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Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner: NaNoWriMo

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My 11 year old has enough words but he writes his stories by hand and then did not want to type it up (even though I offered to help) so although he has completed his goal, NaNo will never know. ;)


ETA: congrats to the winners and those who tried hard!! :D

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I am embarrassed to say, my 12 year old son met his goal of 6, 000 words and mother dear didn't get past 1000. My 14 is at half his goal of 10, 000 and my twin girls got about 2/3 towards 4, 000.

It was a super time, I loved the intensity the kids had, I totally hit a cement wall on my story that had been mulling in my head for 2 years.??

but that said, we will do it again! Wed, we open Writing Reflections...bha ha ha ha

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I'm done but still writing. I'm trying to be top writer in my region. I'm currently ahead, but one other woman is still competing with me. I may be up late tonight. She's.not.going.to.win (said through gritted teeth)


You are awesome, you can do it!


This was my first NaNoWriMo - totally enjoyed it!

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I did it!!! It was so much fun. My story is ridiculously bad, but it's a little over 50k worth of bad, and now the editing fun will begin :)


My story is bad too. I mean REALLY bad. There are parts that are good, a few parts are even great but for the most part the best editing that can be done to my story would be with the 'delete' button. :001_smile:

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