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I hurt my back....

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..... getting up from the sofa! :tongue_smilie:


No joke. This morning I meant to stand up, walk into the kitchen and pour another cup of coffee. In the midst of standing up , my lower back began to scream out in tremendous pain. I dropped to my knees "really" screaming out in pain. It frightened my 13 yo ds.


Now my back hurts. Bad.


I'm on a heating pad and that does help. But, it hurts to move at all. Period.


Can some of you that are medical folks comment please?

What happened?

How do I feel better?


Please on the "how do I feel better" question!!!:tongue_smilie:

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So sorry. For me it's sometimes not what I just did (one time a sneeze in the shower) but what I've done in the few days before that "set me up". Ice on for 20 min and then rest for 20 min, back to ice for another 20 min, etc is really helpful. It also helps me to lay with a tower of pillows under my knees. I'll be praying for you. Absolutely no fun, I know! :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry, Pam--that is miserable!


When I've had a similar situation, my chiro says ice (no heat) for 20 min. of every hour for at least the first 24-48 hrs. He also says to keep moving around--don't just sit after you do the ice.


Ibuprofen as regularly as you're comfortable with.


I hope you feel better soon!

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Dreaded words. There is no crystal ball in back pain. Studies have shown that those who stay in bed hurt longer than those who try to keep moving. Nice in theory. I herniated a disc and I was carried out of work like a log by my exhusband. He couldn't bend me to get me in the car, so I went home in the back seat.



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Studies have shown that those who stay in bed hurt longer than those who try to keep moving.


I suppose it depends what has actually happened to your back, but I believe this can be true.




My mum has sciatica which flares up every now and again. The first time it came on real bad, she relegated herself to bed (partly on the Drs advice) and it took 3 months to heal properly. She's normally a busy, active person and this drove her nuts. The last few times it's happened, she's just cut down her work (she's a school administrator), done most of it evenings and weekends so that she can move around as she needs and kept going. It healed quicker.


My dad had a slipped disc when he was in his late 30s and the Drs advice at the time was to rest; he did his own research (typical dad) and decided to hike it better. As soon as he was able, he set himself to climb the hill at the back of our house daily. The pain was sometimes so bad he would be hiking and crying all the way, but he healed in half the predicted time and the Dr was amazed.

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I did this 2 weeks ago. Around 11pm, I was getting out of bed to get a drink of water, and my right lower back began to spasm so much that I couldn't move but just started crying. My dh was able to get me to bed, but that didn't help.


After 3 hours of intense pain, my dh was able to get ahold of our dr. who called in a script for a muscle relaxer. That was the only thing that helped.


I'm now starting to feel better, but I'm still taking the muscle relaxers at night. If I don't, the next day I feel it.

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Thanks everyone.


I have fibro so I do have script muscle relaxer and pain meds on hand. I took some about an hour ago.


I was able to get comfortable in the recliner for most of the afternoon. I've just spent the better part of an hour on my yoga mat, basically curled up in a ball and moving my knees to gently massage the back.


Dh just brought me a steaming cuppa decaff Irish Breakfast Tea. It is breakfast time somewhere in the world. :)


I've got a bad cold and terrible sore throat on top of the back pain. :( I've been pretty miserable all day.


And, I'm expecting to get calls to work tomorrow and Tuesday. :(


I've had a hot rice bag on my back for part of the day. I'll try 20 minutes of ice.


Thanks again!


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