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how many days a week do you schedule certain subjects?


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Reading: daily

Writing: 4 days/wk

Grammar: 4 days/wk

Spelling: 4 days/wk

Math: 4 days/wk

AWANA: 4 days/wk

Memorization: 5 days/wk

History: 4 days/wk (if we do a project that's done on a 5th day)

Science: 4 days/wk (if we watch a video that's done on a 5th day)

Bible: 4 days/wk

Art: 1 day/wk (1 semester)

Music: 1 day/wk (2 semester)

Instrument practice: 6 days a week

Geography (map drawing): 1 day/week

Latin: 4 days a week (2 days with Mom, 2 days individual review)

Logic: 2 days paper/pencil, 2 days computer per week

Edited by robsiew
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Math is 5x week


For dd, all of her LA, history, science, and computer skills are 4x week

Logic is 3x week; art appreciation and music appreciation are each 1x week.


For ds, phonics, handwriting, spelling, and math are 5x week

WWE 4x week; FLL 2-4x week; History 2-4x week; Science 1-3x week.

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Math---5 days--1 hour per week


History---2 days we work together--everyday kids work independently

Science--2 days

Art--1 day a week

English--5 days a week

Lit---3 days a week together--oldest also works independently on this 5 days

Spelling ---5 days

Memory ---5 days

Vocabulary--5 days

Thinking skills--5 days

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Math, Science, History, Reading, Language Arts, Bible: 4-5 days (depends on if we have co-op that week)


Art/Music: normally 2 days each a week


Latin: 4 days a week


Phys Ed: depends, normally 2 days a week minimum (excluding random play)


Health: ties in with Science but I also do a unit daily for about 1 month on saftey, mannars and such.

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Well, Tuesday is tutorial day where they do Science, Math Enrichment, Latin, and History. Here is what we do the other four days:


Math: 4 days

Language: 4 days

Spelling: 3 days

Latin: 2-3 days

Geography: 1 day

History: 4 days

Science: 1 day

Art: most days as it correlates with our other subjects

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