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Unbelievable--Cooks Source Magazine

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I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. It shocks me how blithely people plagiarize, even those who should know better.


A few years ago I gently let a minister of my acquaintance know that he should credit the source of the text he was sending out as weekly emails. He was using material he had found in books written by a Christian motivational speaker/author.


It didn't go well. He attacked my character, and implied that I was a horrible person for doubting his character. He seemed to believe I must have been out to get him, because it must have taken a lot of effort to find the source of the text. (Um, no it didn't. It took about 30 seconds with Google.)


I know that he kept using this author's work it for at least a couple more weeks, until he got around to removing me from his email list. For all I know, he's still doing it. :glare:

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I was googling some obscure topic a few days ago, I don't even remember what it was, but 8 out of 10 business websites that came up in the search used the exact same text — from wikipedia. On most sites the text was simply uncredited (implying it was written by an employee), but on a few sites someone actually "signed" the text, or had a byline at the top, as if they'd written it. I think many people are truly stupid enough to believe (as the editor of Cooks Source did) that if it's on the internet, it's public domain. :glare:



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Yep. Stealing and plaigiarizing is rampant online and many times that translates to the printed page, too. (Bloggers are actually some of the biggest culprits, taking images to pretty up their blogs and sharing fun, cute, inspiring, educational intellectual property without permission. LOL)

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I love that the editor's name has now become a definition:




LOLOL! NEVER would I have EVER Thought to see that site linked here. *fallsdowndead* Gotta love Sarah and Candy for being on top of things.



The article's last para says:


The Cooks Source controversy already has its own Wikipedia page, and the magazine may well become a digital textbook example of how not to respond to grievances in the internet age.



Umm.. is it me, or is that underplaying it just a bit? Like really, she should have just responded sweetly and the fact that they randomly plagiarize will just be fine with the authors?


Um. NO.


How could a person write that article and miss the whole freakin point of the exercise?

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