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Any ideas where to donate a crib?

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You may try a battered woman's shelter, they often do intakes in the middle of the night and may have a need. Contact your local church if you have trouble finding one (they are intentionally hard to find...).


Also, if your crib doesn't meet the current safety regs, you probably should consider disposing of it rather than passing in on.

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You may have an organization for pregnant and parenting teens, and I would think a place like that could always use donations of cribs and such.


I also second the suggestion of a women's shelter. Or a homeless shelter.


If all else fails, I know that around here if we just put something outside at the curb with a "Free" sign on it, someone will take it!

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A lot of places won't take cribs or toddler beds because of the liability issue. We ran into this when we moved DS from a toddler bed into a bunk bed & wanted to donate the toddler bed. I ended up giving it directly to a needy family via our local St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdPS couldn't accept it themselves but knew of someone who could use it and put me into contact with them directly).

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Yeah, if you look in baby books, it'll even tell you that used cribs are death traps or something... Oy. Way to reduce the amount of stuff on the planet. Like others said, freecycle it or put it on craigslist - or possibly inquire at your church or just at a nearby church if they know of a needy family expecting.

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The crib I would donate via any of the already suggested ideas. I would not pass along the mattress. From all the reading I've done (and it was extensive after having 2 belly sleepers), the risk of SIDS goes up significantly when using a used mattress. I wouldn't even give my used mattress to my nephew.


Or you could check to make sure it hasn't been recalled. I was about to give my old crib away when I got a notice that mine had been recalled and I could bring it back to the store for a full refund in store credit. I did a happy dance and walked away with $300 in gift cards.

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