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If you were a

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MUS Zeta test book and you were not in your place on the shelf where would you be?


You are also not found anywhere on the book case, under the furniture in the living room or in the refrigerator or oven. You were seen floating around the house for a couple of days this weekend but no one remembers exactly where.

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I would be under a stack of printer paper that Ds is drawing on...despite that fact that I have bought him lap desks, cleared a spot on his desk for him, and given him clip boards to use for his work surface!


That is where I would be if I were that book!


Although, given the state of flies and fruit flies in this house, it is also possible that I would have been used by dh to exterminate little flies with extreme prejudice and be laying in some odd spot with fly parts all over my skin.



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I would be under a stack of printer paper that Ds is drawing on...despite that fact that I have bought him lap desks, cleared a spot on his desk for him, and given him clip boards to use for his work surface!


That is where I would be if I were that book!


Although, given the state of flies and fruit flies in this house, it is also possible that I would have been used by dh to exterminate little flies with extreme prejudice and be laying in some odd spot with fly parts all over my skin.



Dd insists on using the arm of the chair. I even posted a photo on the school blog. I'm even willing to bet that is one of the math books she is working on in the photo.

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Well in this household I'd be wherever DD2 had taken me.. maybe to the bathroom, or to her bed, or to visit the cat..


But in your house (with 1 dc?)???? Maybe I am under the sofa cushion? Or somewhere I was taken when on a mission to do something else (use the bathroom, put something away, fetch something for Mom...?)


Back to this household.. I'd be given up on and replaced in short order, and my user would start over from the beginning. :D

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Dropped behind the couch (or easy chair)?

Under/behind/between the cushions?

Under YOUR bed? (Since you wouldn't think to look there...)

Behind the headboard of DD's bed? Or sibling's?

In the car? The garage?


Just a few possibilities?


my bed is on the floor for the time being

no headboard

I can't imagine how but will look when it is daylight outside. If it is in the garage, I'm afraid it is in the trash.

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I once found a Wordly Wise between the mattress and boxsprings of my dd's bed. She swore she had no idea how it got there, well hidden and unavailable for assignments.


How painful is the subject in your house. The answer may result in the need to expand your search.

It isn't a sore subject here. Not with great enthusiasm, but no tears. I'd expect Homer to go missing in that manner before the math book.

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Well in this household I'd be wherever DD2 had taken me.. maybe to the bathroom, or to her bed, or to visit the cat..


But in your house (with 1 dc?)???? Maybe I am under the sofa cushion? Or somewhere I was taken when on a mission to do something else (use the bathroom, put something away, fetch something for Mom...?)


Back to this household.. I'd be given up on and replaced in short order, and my user would start over from the beginning. :D

Aye, I'll be ordering a new one if this one isn't found within 24 hours. And since I need portfolio items the last 8 tests will have to be re-done.

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It sounds nuts but it can happen. I'm carrying the book, pick up the clothes in the hamper, book falls into hamper, I get distracted by [cat, dog, pretty sparkly thing on shirt, whatever] and go on my merry way, forgetting book is in bottom of hamper.


I remember being 11. :)

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Aye, I'll be ordering a new one if this one isn't found within 24 hours. And since I need portfolio items the last 8 tests will have to be re-done.


Articulating that last little bit of info might just cause it to mysteriously turn up. ;)

Edited by Mejane
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When I asked this question a few weeks ago, the answer was the recycling pile.

Other places I looked: Infrequently used book shelves. As pp said, inside another book (I found the teachers manual there.) Behind and under the couch and other chair cushions. Pushed to the back of a shelf. In the literature sorter we use to store school books. Behind the piano.


Hope you find it.

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In the kitchen cupboards or on top of the fridge. I don't know why, but this week I've been walking into the kitchen and absent mindedly putting items away that are not actually kitchen items. I've found several books, pieces of pajama sets, and dinosaurs between DS's bed and the wall recently.

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