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Silly poll about commas

Does your english curriculum teach to put a comma before the word and?  

  1. 1. Does your english curriculum teach to put a comma before the word and?

    • Yes we teach to put a comma before the word and
    • No we do not teach to put a comma before the word and
    • obligatory other, please explain

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Ok. So I was doing english with my dd. It says to put a comma before the word 'and' in a series. Example: The cats, dogs, and birds ate.


I learned NOT to put a comma before the word ''and' in a series when I was in school. Example The cats, dogs and birds ate. What does your english teach? Please reply with what you learned in school (Not in the poll, I would like the poll strictly what your curriculum teaches!)


Has this changes since I was in school? Thanks


My school textbooks in 5th grade taught us that both ways were correct (late 1970's).


The newer books all say to put in the comma before the "and", while older books I have looked at say not to. Apparently I was in school while the usage was in the process of change, and now the change has fully taken effect.

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I put "other" because I just looked at the "punctuation" section in the back of my daughter's 5th grade Oak Meadow syllabus to see if it specifically addressed that, and it mentions using commas to separate words in a series but doesn't specifically address whether there should be one right before that final "and."


It might have in earlier grades but this is the only grade level I currently have available for this syllabus. So I can't say.


With that said, I learned that I should NOT put a comma before that "and," as you did, and so that's what I tell my daughter when it comes up in her writing.

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Yes, I am quite the adherent of the Oxford comma AKA Harvard comma, or the serial comma.


Without it how would my husband know what my grocery list means: I need some green beans, peas, and carrots. If I wasn't so faithful to the Oxford comma he could easily being home only 2 cans of food--one of green beans and another of mixed peas and carrots :) Krista

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I was taught NOT to include the last comma. It looks funny to me the other way. :tongue_smilie:


His ex-wives were Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall?! :lol:
Although, here you definitely have a point!:smilielol5:


Originally Posted by Suzanne viewpost.gif

but in the words of my 8-year-old son, "it is redundant to include the comma."

It looks redundant to me too.
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