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TT 5...114 lessons for the YEAR?


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That's 3.3 lessons a week! How is the child able to understand/retain if it moves that quickly? It's seems like it would set the child up for failure or am I missing something totally?


I really want to try it, but seeing that it has so many concepts to learn in a week seems unrealistic.


:001_huh:Can someone set me straight?

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Well, my son uses R&S, which has 170 lessons, but I've used/looked at other programs in the past that only have 120 lessons, so 114 doesn't seem that low to me.




ETA: My daughter uses CLE and I'm not sure how many lessons are in that (probably about 170 once you add in tests in quizzes). We school year round though so she was getting further ahead than I wanted, so I'm having her supplement with TT 5. On Mondays and Fridays she does 2 lessons because they are only taking her about 10 minutes each. On Saturday and Sunday, she does one lesson each day. So, really it does seem like TT might be more for kids that pick math up easily since there can't be that much review/practice if she's getting through the lessons that quickly. Also, she's using TT 5 as she's nearing the end of CLE 3 and it's very easy for her so far, so I'd be careful with placement.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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My ds is using TT5 and loving it. There are 114 lessons and 16 tests. The pace is fine and not overwhelming for him that I have noticed.


We do a lesson a day and when we have a quiz that is it for the day. We dont do an extra lesson on those days.


Yes, there is a quiz every 7 lessons, so 114 lessons plus 16 quizes equals 130 total.

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I will reply because praise God I have tried many programs out there and finally something he loves and understands. I only supplement right now with mental fact learning. The rest of everything we do is a struggle because he just doesn't want to do it. lol

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My daughter is doing TT5 currently and she absolutely LOVES it. She's doing very well with it. She "gets" it, she finds it fun, she finds it easy to understand, and I love it, too because I'm not overly mathy myself- and now, nobody dreads math around here! :D


We're up to like lesson 24 so far (so she's done 24 lessons plus 3 quizzes so far I think) and every lesson introduces new material AND continues with older material, so there is a good amount of review, even though there is not a lot of busy work, and TT is really good about explaining AND showing step by step how to do things in easy to retain and remember ways.

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My dd just finished TT5. As someone else mentioned, it also has 16 quizzes.


One thing that really works well with my children is the spiral nature of TT. Each lesson includes questions that review previous material, so they have an opportunity to get it into their long-term memory. Also, even though there is something new every day, it is presented very incrementally. Those things keep the pace from being overwhelming.





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