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S/O from "How do you combat the flu..?" What do you keep in your medicine cabinet...

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at all times so you can be ready to start combating illness, colds, flu, stomach bugs, etc.? What natural supplements can I stock up on to have ready? What have you had success with? Here are some I keep:


Oscill... (I don't know how to spell it without looking)

Vit. C

Oil of oregano capsules


various homeopathic bottles from Hylands

Young Living oils (but we ran out too often and then I don't have the ones I need and they aren't cheap)

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normal tylenol/advil type things

advil cold & sinus tablets

some kind of adult cold/cough syrup

some kind of kids cold/cough syrup

[i forget what kinds are up there right now]


kids and i take a multivitamin every day ~ dh refuses, mainly because he took some vitamin thing i had a few years ago and turned out allergic to something in it and never found out what.


eta: hmmm. were you only looking for people who do herbal/etc type stuff? i read your question as sort of a two part and was answering the "What do you keep in your medicine cabinet at all times so you can be ready to start combating illness, colds, flu, stomach bugs, etc.?" part of it.

Edited by Gwenhwyfar
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Everyone takes a daily multivitamin plus additional vitamin D. (I take additional iron and, when I remember, cal/mag as well.)



Sodium ascorbate (vitamin C)

a homeopathic "kids' kit"

various essential oils


occasionally we will buy over the counter meds, but they usually expire before we use them. I do try to make sure we have benadryl liquid, non-expired, on hand, but I don't always succeed.


I don't keep lozenges but will go buy them when needed. Same with Robitussin or Mucinex.

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- Elderberry syrup (homemade)

- Elderberry capsules and melts (for the kids) - in case I don't have any fresh syrup on hand

- Emergen-C

-Viru-Chord by Energetix (it's a homeopath tincture)

- Clear liquids


How do you make elderberry syrup?

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I got the recipe from a friend. I'm not sure where she got it to be able to give credit to the creator.




Elderberry Syrup


1/2 dried elderberries

1 cinnamon stick

5 whole cloves

1 Tbsp grated ginger

2 cups water


Put all ingredients into a saucepan, cover and bring to a boil. Once it begins to boil, bring down the heat and simmer covered for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and stir in 1 cup honey. Store syrup in a closed jar int he refrigerator. Just 1 tsp a day to prevent coughs and flu.

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Let's see...


Vit C

Vick's vaporub


Sudafed (adult and child's)

Motrin (adult and children's)

benadryl (adult and children's)

claritin and zyrtec (adult, and children's zyrtec)

tylenol PM, excedrin PM, and/or motrin PM

tiger balm

immodium AD

assorted herbal teas

benadryl cream

steroid cream



Not the most natural home pharmacy, I know.

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We don't really do anything out of the ordinary. I've only had the "real" flu twice, once when I was 16 and again 2 or 3 years ago. Each of my older two kids has had it once. If dh has ever had it, it was before we were married. If we were more susceptible to the flu and other airborne illnesses, I'm sure we would take more precautions.

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