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Teachers Lounge! 10-25-2010

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It's that time again!


What's for lunch? Me: peanut butter and apple sandwich


What's weird for you today? Me: an overwhelming sense of urgency to bring my kids back home for schooling. Much prayer needed!


What was the funnest thing you did this weekend? Me: spending some much needed time in the fresh air with the family.


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Lunch: Boca burgers and Alexia waffle fries


Homeschooling: Totally derailed by a missing bank card, which I am 100% positive is at Burger King, except that either an employee took it or they're too incompetent to find it. Have ripped everything apart looking in very unlikely places even though I am fully aware of and have retraced my steps many times. Dh out of town, had to cancel his, too. We picked up a bunch of Civil War books from the library and are about to start watching a documentary.


Funnest Weekend Thing: Toss-up between the synagogue visit with my RE class and subsequent discussion, and the unexpected invitation from a friend we haven't "played with" in quite some time, though we see each other weekly.

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Roasted, shredded chicken with black beans, lettuce, feta cheese, and red pepper inside a whole wheat tortilla wrap with ice tea to drink. The boys are having egg salad sandwiches and apples with peanut butter. Hopefully, all of that protein will keep them from consuming the house this afternoon.


Weird - It's 65 degrees and sunny outside but dh and I were talking about getting the ski boots out and seeing who has outgrown what!


Faith - sitting with Mr. I hate Algebra

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Lunch: leftover pork mashed into a sandwich (Nutritious, but not very tasty) with brownies for desert to make up for the tasteless sandwiches


Weird: Baby has refused to nap today, but my oldest two just both fell asleep in their rooms.


Weekend fun: I had time to read; for entertainment! Imagine that!

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Lunch: Not to sure!


I'm on fall break, so I slept late and have been fooling around on the computer since getting up. Oh, and I watched Ninja Warrior with the kids


I'm going to get unlazy in a minute and dig around the garage to find painting supplies. I'm going to finish painting the bathroom--after starting it a YEAR ago!


Weekend---we cleaned so the house would be tidy for fall break.

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It's that time again!


What's for lunch? Me: peanut butter and apple sandwich


What's weird for you today? Me: an overwhelming sense of urgency to bring my kids back home for schooling. Much prayer needed!


What was the funnest thing you did this weekend? Me: spending some much needed time in the fresh air with the family.


Talk to me!:bigear:


Lunch: Well, several little vegetarian sausage balls, cottage cheese, chips and salsa, and an orange.


Weird: probably what I had for lunch. If not that, the fact that I threw a hatchet at a tree and it stuck ON The First Try! but no subsequent try. :glare:


Funnest thing I did this weekend: helped my daugher put up halloween decorations -- hiding in a pile of leaves and jumping out the scare her.

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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What's for lunch? BBQ chix sandwhiches (my 20 yo dd redeemed boring chix with bbq sauce and a ton of spices- yum!)


What's weird for you today? It's a "normal" day. We are baking, cooking, doing chores, schooling, the house is in decent order (well, except for the mostly unfinished 2nd floor- I mean the part we're living in), the counter top and sink are back in. The electrician is here finishing up but for the most part it's a regular homeschooling day (we haven't had many of those in the past year) so normal is weird.


What was the funnest thing you did this weekend? Watched Loving Leah with my family. Great flick (Hallmark) Again, normalcy.

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Lunch: I forgot to have any (unless you count the frosting I was licking off my fingers while I decorated a birthday cake today ;)), now that it is 3:00 I might as well wait till dinner.


Weird: I made a cake that looks like a princess castle ... and it actually looks pretty good! :D


Funnest: Celebrated dd's birthday with another homeschooling family at Chuck E Cheese. Everyone had a blast!

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Lunch -- leftovers and I had the leftovers of the leftovers, after the others fixed their plate I ate whatever was left. Not really that great and not that much but it filled me.


Weird -- this whole day has just been weird


Weekend -- playing games with the kiddos. There was lots of laughing and yelling :lol: and of course :lurk5:. We all love popcorn

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lunch - leftover fried rice from the night before, broccoli as a side


Weekend - My sister and her family were visiting from GA and I totally ignored everything I had to do so I could spend time with her. So, now I feel VERY far behind. But, it was worth it!!!!


Weirdness - my hormonal 12 yo. Ugh. Everything makes him cry these days. And, he used to be my easy one.

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What's for lunch? Hot roast beef sandwiches with fresh made bread (Monday nights we have service so I make sure we have a big lunch)


What's weird for you today? That rainy season is finally over and I got to get out into my garden today and start the fun of cleaning up the havoc wreaked on my plants/flowers. I also planned what new stuff I'm going to put in and I'm going to replant my planters that are up on my balcony of my house. FUN!


What was the funnest thing you did this weekend? Quiet Saturday at home with my girls and then a night out with my friends in Antigua celebrating my friend's 49th birthday! So great!

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Lunch-three eggs scrambled and cheddar cheese in a whole wheat tortilla


Weird-I might start substitute teaching and, while I have worked in schools and with kids for most of my life, I have never subbed. And I am not really looking forward to it, but financially need to do what must be done.


Fun-visited the amazing quilting store near me for the second time. I'm trying to figure out a viable vocation here post-separation, and found myself in tears looking through a quilting magazine the other week. Something in me longs to work with fabric, yarn, color and design, and this all somehow for the good of the world (like the Million Pillowcase challenge). Total long shot that I could actually make a living in such a way, but, nevertheless, I'm dreaming and praying, and the trip to the quilting store was fun. And luxurious. And gave me a bit of a glimmer of hope.


Hey OP! my daughter may follow in the footsteps of Temple, as well. We should be friends....:grouphug:

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