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Found out the reason for my weight loss...

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My doctor told me today that I had too many things to worry about, too much stress and that I needed to work on not being so stressed out. She asked me privately why I was so stressed out, and I told her the situation at home. Well, she knew exactly what I was talking about because her parents used to fight and do the same thing, which caused her to be stressed and not eat too. Now that I figured out my problem for why I am losing weight, (which I dropped another 2 pounds), I need to find ways that will help me relax, which is hard when you hear things going on in the background...


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who prayed for me, my parents, and my family, you are all so kind and I am glad to have found this board to vent my feelings on. You are all good friends to me now, and I am glad to have joined. I am like crying as I right this but it's so true! Thanks again everyone for all the support, I'll update on the situation soon!

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I vote for fresh air and also some soothing classical or jazz music in the background. Try starting your day with prayer and then doing some deep breathing exercises whenever your parents begin arguing just so you can lower your heart and respiration rate. Retreat to your room with that lovely music or outdoors whenever possible.


Also, if you have a little income of your own, try making your room your own personal retreat....maybe a print or two of a painting or drawing that you find calming, copies of poetry such as Shakespeares Sonnets and works by Tennyson, a splash of your favorite colors, and soft lighting. Having somewhere to go when life gets rough, can really diffuse those stress hormones.




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I also suggest fresh air, exercise and healthy snacks. Breathe deeply ... this brings in more oxygen which combats adrenaline. I don't know your family situation, but if you are able (emotionally and physically), doing something nice in service to your family might help you feel better emotionally too. If this is not possible, do something for someone outside your home. When I was in a very stressful time of life, I decided to take dinner to a friend once a week who had more stress than I did. It helped take my mind off of myself.


Probably the best advice ... things do change and get better.

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My dd18 has also been stressed, but not for the same reasons. She lost nearly 10 lbs because of several stressful things. Her doctor worried it was an eating disorder, and I had to assure her that it wasn't that. Of course I got the lecture that children can hide things like this, but I know my dd loves to eat and loathes vomiting. We've been known to go to the E.R. if either of us is throwing up for more than 15 mins. Yuck!! But she's made an effort to get more sleep, eat more regularly, and things at work are calming down. She's gained 6 lbs. back so far. The doctor is happy with the progress.

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Thank you everyone for all of your help! I love being out in the fresh air, it's just so nice and relaxing. This is what I do when my parents fight, bring everyone outside. And I love music, so thanks for that suggestion as well. May you all be blessed for you support for someone you met online!:grouphug:

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