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does anyone study HEALTH?

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I am required to do health here in California. I didn't want to figure it all out on my own so I got Abeka for my 2nd grader. I think so far it is tacky and boring. LOL. I guess I can count teaching healthy eating, etc., as health this year. I just was looking for something to document. When I asked what to use on the forums earlier this year, Abeka was recommended by lots of people.

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We did Abeka health in previous years... I can't say I recommend it though LOL. We now are doing Apologia Anatomy and Physiology though (That just came out last spring)! I LOVE THAT!!! :D My 7th grader is going through the whole book this year and I am going to do 2 or 3 lessons with my 3rd grader this year, then a few next year, and in 5th, and in 6th so she will be finished with it in 6th grade.

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I've just tackled it by subject.


We learn safety while riding bikes, roller blading, going for walks, etc.


First aide courses are easy to sign up for through your city (babysitter cert programs, etc.)


Stranger danger - We used library books and The Safe Side dvds.


Healthy Eating - Reading books like Omnivore's Dilemma and Chew on This (junior versions). Watching Food, Inc. Discussing labels, etc.


Drug, Medication, & Alcohol Abuse - Library books.


Sex education - Books from our faith tradition.


Diseases, Asthma, etc. - As they come up. Library books, videos, etc.


Other topics as they come up in the newspaper or in every day life.

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I'm pulling things from "Growing, Growing Strong" for Health for early elementary (maybe K-2 or K-3).


For my daughter for 4th grade we just used some of the American Girl Library books for Health (like "The Care & Keeping Of You, The Body Book For Girls" and "The Care & Keeping Of Your Emotions) but also had units on nutrition and so on for science that could also count as "health."


This year for my daughter's 5th grade curriculum, we aren't doing any official "Health" although we do continue to have age appropriate discussions on a variety of related topics as they come up, and she read a book for kids about saying no to drugs and science will again include nutrition and so on and so forth.

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Yeah. In the grocery store. Conversations go like this, "No, that is dessert cereal. We don't eat that for breakfast." :)


Seriously, though, I have always loved learning about health and nutrition, so I try to ease it into our every day lives. Sometimes I'll ask if the boys know what vitamins are prominent in certain foods we are eating. We just sort of talk about it.


We also study the human body in late middle school, so some of this is covered then.


I did have our eldest take a Switched on Schoolhouse health course in high school for a 1/2 credit.

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