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Anyone use natural, flouride free toothpaste?

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About a year ago I switched from using Aquafresh toothpaste to a more organic type of toothpaste. It is natural and flouride free.


Today I went to to the dentist. I haven't been in about a year and a half. I have like 5 or 6 cavities!! One of them needs a root canal ASAP and another one possibly needs one. The dentist was really shocked at the decline of my teeth in only a year and a half. He kept asking me if I had begun drinking a lot of soda, eating a lot of candy, or eating lemons. I said no. Then he asked me if I had acid reflux because that can damage your teeth. I said no.


Then I remembered that I switced to the natural toothpaste. The dentist told me that was probably the cause since it has no flouride in it.


Great, I was trying to take better care of myself and instead I was damaging my teeth! Has anyone else had this happen or notice a decline in their teeth when using flouride free toothpaste?

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I have used toothpaste without flouride for most of my adult life as I'm prone to get a build-up in my system and my skin starts flaking off like crazy. However, I had no increase in cavities while not using it. But I still had flouridated water.


I finally live in a place without flouride in the water, and have gone back to toothpaste with flouride. No flakiness on my skin.


Why do I mention all of this? I think* if you look at total load, it is flouride in the water that is much more dangerous to overall health than topical application to teeth.


*Going from memory, so take that FWIW...

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I think* if you look at total load, it is flouride in the water that is much more dangerous to overall health than topical application to teeth.

That's what I think also. I think it's how much fluoride we ingest. The water here does not have fluoride. Dh and dd both have problem teeth. We all use fluoride toothpaste and a few nights a week, they use fluoride mouthwash. Again, I think that the fluoride in water could pose more of a problem. It can lead to iodine deficiency problems and all the related symptoms. Fluoride, bromine, and chlorine all compete with iodine.

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I have just used baking soda for the last year, and when I went to the dentist in early Sept. he said my teeth looked the best he's ever seen them....no problems at all. I didn't tell him I'd been using just baking soda, but he did tell me to continue doing whatever it was I was doing because mine was the best set of teeth he's seen all year.


Yesterday, I picked up a tube of Burt's kid's non-fluoride just to try out. It's ok, but my teeth feel cleaner with the baking soda.


I do use Tom's of Maine non-fluoride tartar control mouth rinse, but not all the time and I just started using it a month ago.


But then, our water has fluoride so I don't think I need more in my tooth powder. I do filter all my drinking water.

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Yes, it happened to us, too. We used fluoride free Tom's and my husband and I both got a couple cavities each over 1-2 year span. I didn't think too much about, because I'd naturally just been more cavity prone as a kid. My husband had not been, but we still didn't put it together until our son got an abscessed tooth from a cavity at 7 years old.


Since we switched back to Crest, we've had no cavities.

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I have just used baking soda for the last year, and when I went to the dentist in early Sept. he said my teeth looked the best he's ever seen them....no problems at all. I didn't tell him I'd been using just baking soda, but he did tell me to continue doing whatever it was I was doing because mine was the best set of teeth he's seen all year.


Yesterday, I picked up a tube of Burt's kid's non-fluoride just to try out. It's ok, but my teeth feel cleaner with the baking soda.


I do use Tom's of Maine non-fluoride tartar control mouth rinse, but not all the time and I just started using it a month ago.


But then, our water has fluoride so I don't think I need more in my tooth powder. I do filter all my drinking water.



I use baking soda as well and I have for at least 5 years (probably longer). I have the best teeth in the family. I have been cavity, plaque and tartar free for years. No signs of gum disease or anything else. The rest of my family uses regular toothpaste. Only one of them has any problem with her teeth. The dentist said that she just had a bad luck of the draw genetically. I really think frequency and timing of brushing makes more difference.

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