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What's your favourite thing to do with apples?

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We're taking the kids apple picking tomorrow -- yay! -- and I'm looking for some ideas for what to do with the apples when we get them home. Other than snacking on them as is and making applesauce, what are your favourite things to do with apples?


I would especially love a good recipe for apple crumble if you have one. It's on my list to make for tomorrow afternoon. Yummmm.


What about apple jelly? How do you make that?


Please bring on the apple love!!! :D

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We do quick breads and muffins and freeze them. My favorite apple crisp (both to freeze before baking or to eat right away) is this one:

10 c apples sliced or chopped

1 c maple syrup

1 tsp cinnamon

1Tbs flour

few dashes of salt

- mix this up in a 13x9 pan


1 stick butter, melted

1/2 -1 cup brown sugar (depending on how sweet you like things)

1 c flour

1 c oats

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 c chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds are good)

- mix that up and spread it over the apples

- bake at 375 45-60 min, or until apples are tender and topping is lightly browned. (if baking from frozen, account for a much longer cooking time - at least 1 1/2 hrs)

Edited by LauraGB
forgot some ingredients!
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We also do a German apple cake.


Oooooh, yeeeessss! I need to find a gluten-free recipe! We're going to have a lot of apples this week too, and that would be heavenly. My grandmother makes a great apple cake, but it's not GF *sigh*


For others' reference, I found this GF recipe. Miraculously, I already have every singly ingredient--even the applesauce, which I almost never have on hand! YUM...

Edited by melissel
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Dh has a co-worker who also happens to live in our neighborhood. Last fall on our daily walk, we discovered that he has an apple tree, in his yard. He said we're welcome to come pick them whenever we want. So as a thanks, I made him this apple crisp recipe.


He mentioned to dh the other day that his apples are ready, and he was wondering when I was gonna make him another one of those great apple crisps. :)

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Yes, you can freeze apples. My mom and paternal grandma did it all the time. Peel them, core them, cut them up, and pre-measure them into bags for the amounts of recipes that you like and label. Example: apples/ 6c/ Sept 2010


1) My parents would make cider from their apple tree (their apples weren't good for much else, but the cider was sweet (w/o additives) and deep. We froze many, many gallons of it each year.)


2) I just made two pies of this recipe.




One is frozen after cooking, but I have never frozen pies before. Anyone else know if this will work?


3) I made applesauce, and I hope to make a second batch to freeze for ice cream topping this year. I will freeze it in 2c portions for my family size.


4) Loverboy LOVES this Pampered Chef recipe I brought home last year for apple dip. You might need to double the recipe!



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Daisy, here's a link to the apple glossary from my local orchard. It lists some apple varieties that can be frozen.


Thanks for the ideas, everyone! If you have favourite recipes, I'd love to hear them!


ETA: Ohhh... while I was posting a whole bunch of you posted great great sounding recipes! Yay! :D

Edited by MelanieM
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Dh has a co-worker who also happens to live in our neighborhood. Last fall on our daily walk, we discovered that he has an apple tree, in his yard. He said we're welcome to come pick them whenever we want. So as a thanks, I made him this apple crisp recipe.


He mentioned to dh the other day that his apples are ready, and he was wondering when I was gonna make him another one of those great apple crisps. :)


LOL! That's the exact one I modified above to include syrup instead of sugar and water, and have been using for so long! It is a great recipe!

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Another pork (or chicken) and apples recipe. (sorry, it's mine, so no specific amounts, time, etc.)


Layer onions, apples, and pork chops in a deep casserole dish. Sprinkle with some soy sauce (salty and gives juice a nicer color) and with a bit of thyme. Bake until the meat is done. This is delicious.

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Layer onions, apples, and pork chops in a deep casserole dish. Sprinkle with some soy sauce (salty and gives juice a nicer color) and with a bit of thyme. Bake until the meat is done. This is delicious.


Oh, that sounds fabulous!! Maybe this will be dinner tomorrow evening. Yum!


German apple cake... drool...

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Favorite thing to do with apples? Juggle? Throw them at people who annoy me? Come on, tell me I wasn't the only one who thought that reading the subject line? :)


I've enjoyed reading the good recipes. Thought I'd pass on a quick easy breakfast recipe that my kids like to make. Core and dice apple, sprinkle a packet of instant oatmeal on top. Top with a small pat of butter and bake in toaster or oven at 350 til golden brown.

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