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HST+ (I know... just humor me)


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This is our second week with HST+. I put it off b/c I have a mac but I am running it in parallels and so far, so good. This is a great program and I think it will do everything I want and more. They have Yahoo groups where you can download lesson plans for many classes, this has been a huge help to me. I download lesson plans for classes and tweak them as necessary. This has helped me learn to do my own. There is a learning curve but I just post on their forum and they answer really quickly with detailed help and different options. I have not heard of Katie's classes but I will be looking into them!

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Plus was definitely worth every penny around here. I haven't seen the basic version in years, but I recall being frustrated by its limitations pretty much every day I used it. HST+ does have a learning curve, as others have mentioned, but it does everything I want it to and a lot of things I haven't even thought about yet. They also have fabulous customer service and very helpful forums.


My .02 :)



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I tried the basic first, but I was frustrated by it. I decided to but the plus version, and I am happy that I did! I have been faithfully using it for almost two years. It took me about a week of playing with it in my spare time to figure it out and get our entire year's lesson plans all set up. It has been a real time saver for me.

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I just love HST+!


It did take me a while to figure it out but once I did, I was in love. I'm sure I'm still not using it to its full potential but what I'm doing works for what I need.


There is so much more I could do, but it does what I need it to do, and the basic version did not. I think it was worth every penny, and you only have to buy it once, free upgrades. My biggest reason for using it is that with 4 dc, I don't have enough space on my table or in my patience to be constantly flipping pages and pages in TE/TM or paper lesson planner to keep us on track every day. HST+ keeps it all in one place, I can easily reschedule assignments, keeps track of attendance, keeps track of grades, all in one place. Keeping track of grades, etc. isn't so much an issue with the younger kids, but as they get into middle school, keeping records of what you're doing becomes more important.

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Plus was definitely worth every penny around here. I haven't seen the basic version in years, but I recall being frustrated by its limitations pretty much every day I used it. HST+ does have a learning curve, as others have mentioned, but it does everything I want it to and a lot of things I haven't even thought about yet. They also have fabulous customer service and very helpful forums.


My .02 :)






This year I took the time to sit down and really figure it out, rather than just winging it. I watched the videos and learned about the features that would be helpful to me, and I'm really looking forward to using it through high school.

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There is so much more I could do, but it does what I need it to do, and the basic version did not. I think it was worth every penny, and you only have to buy it once, free upgrades. My biggest reason for using it is that with 4 dc, I don't have enough space on my table or in my patience to be constantly flipping pages and pages in TE/TM or paper lesson planner to keep us on track every day.



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I just love HST+!


It did take me a while to figure it out but once I did, I was in love. I'm sure I'm still not using it to its full potential but what I'm doing works for what I need.

:iagree:Once I figured out how to use it in a way that fit my homeschool I really like it. I can reschedule things when life causes us to reschedule, I can input everything for the year during the summer and schedule a week at a time, I can print schedules that work best for each child - this software keeps us on track and keeps me accountable.

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Yes, I did and for awhile I floundered with the plus version until they put the videos on the website AND I took one of Katie's classes. I do still have to post on the group sometimes, not nearly as much as before, but they are very quick to answer any questions you have.


Could you please share more info on Katie's classes? :)

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Could you please share more info on Katie's classes? :)



Well, she has classes set up where she takes you into HST and shows you how to use the features. I would recommend that you write down any questions that you have and you can ask her those during the class. She keeps the classes small so that she can get to everyone. She has a list of available dates and times on the group for the classes, you just request to be in one.

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