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Traveling and car seats- I'm getting a bit desperate

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We're moving overseas soon and our two-year-old needs a car seat. I'd like to buy some sort of portable restraint system that works in a variety of modes of transportation, but I'm not finding anything that looks like it'll work.


Buying a car seat there isn't an option (they're not available) and I'm not confident that we could check a regular booster seat on this end and see it in one piece on the other end (we'll be changing planes in multiple airports, going through customs more than once, and traveling for about 48 hours, not to mention that we're not shipping anything and the car seat would replace a suitcase). So I need something that we can easily carry with us (it would be great if we could use it on the plane), and that can be used in the back seat of an old car (lap belts at best, and certainly no LATCH system) or on a train.


I've spent a long time searching for something that would work but have come up with nothing. Everything I've found is either poorly made, much too expensive, or requires a shoulder belt or top tether that won't be available.


Does anyone have any ideas for me?

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Most of the newer chairs have a latch top tether, but can be used safely without it. As long as it has a way for a lap belt to go through the bottom, it should be good in a car or a plane. We used to have one like that, it was fine on airplanes and in our 1 car that did not have a latch system, but also worked in cars with latch systems.

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I have this one, which is amazing for travel, but it does require the top tether




The Radian folds, kind of like a movie theater seat, which might be a good choice?




They sell little carts that a carseat straps to, to pull it through the airport, which might be worth looking at, too.

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We've never any problems with either the carseat or booster we used overseas. I too wouldn't recommend a latch only seat, I don't think any of our cars have been equipped for that. I'd also be careful with anything that's wide. Seats tend to be much narrower overseas. At two, I would suggest a three-point harness booster that you could also use with a seat belt when he gets older. As far as trains go, we've never used a car seat on a train, I don't think they have seat belts. I'm not sure any of the trains I've ridden in Europe or Asia have had seat belts. You may also want to check with your airline to see if they'll count your car seat as baggage. When we flew American Airlines this summer, it was the first time we ever had the car seat count as baggage. Even when we flew two years ago, they didn't count it. Also, check on getting kids' meals too. (Although American Airlines does not offer them, every other airline we've flown has. Go figure.) Good luck and have fun. Our DS was 2 when he flew the first time and he did so well. (The inseat screens were all they cared about.)

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I've gone through this - you really can only do what you can do. We used these when there were shoulder belts. When there were only lap belts, we just used those directly for the children because we couldn't find a seat/vest which worked without the shoulder strap. It's not good, but we had to adapt.


Best wishes



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How about this

Sit n stroll car seat


Nice idea but terribly low top harness slots which mean they are outgrown by age 3 at the latest.


OP-if you want to RF you can get a *new* Cosco Scenera for approx $50 and Rear Face until 40lbs or the head is even with the top of the shell. They do not have super tall top harness slots, but it is an in-expensive buy. If you do not want to RF, I suggest the Evenflo Maestro. It is approx $80 with 18" top harness slots.


Top tethers are ALWAYS recommended when FFing since they reduce head excursion which causes spinal and head injuries, sometimes fatal.

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Just be careful getting one that needs the LATCH system, many countries do not have it yet.


Every US seat that has the ability to be installed by LATCH ALSO has the ability to be installed by seatbelt. Just having LATCH does not mean it has to be used with LATCH. I've got a car that does not have LATCH and would not have a problem going into Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, etc and buying any seat off the shelves


A very few US seats have to have the top tether used -- that could be a problem.


I do NOT recommend the Scenera in your position. Too quickly outgrown and a BEAR to install rear facing with a seatbelt (I took it back because I'd have had to use it face forward due to difficulty installing) I use the Maestro in my seatbelt only car and it has a few pecularities -- but it installs very well. The pecularities have to do with the manual not staying attached to the seat as I am used to, and the cover being harder to clean, and the "foot section" coming loose within months of purchase (Fixed with a couple of pipe cleaners). Oh and the stickers coming off too -- again, fixed with clear duck tape.


If you want to get a Radian, make sure you are very comfortable installing it before taking it overseas. It can be hard to install, esp. more upright. As someone mentioned, go to car seat.org and see if you can get more recommendations. That is where I learn most of my car seat stuff. They have LOTS of experience, including members that live overseas.

Edited by vonfirmath
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I was thinking Radian 80 that maxes out at 80 lbs. My 6yo still fits in hers, though she will outgrow it in height well before 80 lbs because she is a featherweight. It folds. THe only problem I would think is that it has a metal frame so it's heavy. However it is narrow so I think that would be a plus in a foreign country.

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There certainly won't be top tethers. She needs to work with the possible.




This is why rear facing would solve the top tether issue. I do know that some people do not rear face past the bare minimums however but in this situation rear facing would be the safest, espeically since the child is only 2.

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Been there, done that. Lived overseas in a country that didn't require car seats so it was no fun just finding a car seat, much less a good one. Had no choice but to FF DD at 9 months because that's how the car seats available to me were designed!


Look at British/EU car seats and see if they can be shipped to your location. Or, look at Britax Marathons - heavy, but they work on planes and with lap belt only situations. As far as checking on the plane, if you check it in its original box you have a good chance of it making it in one piece.


I would recommend a folding metal luggage cart and bungee cords to transport the car seat through airports if you want to take it on the plane. Your LO can sit in the seat (strapped) and you can roll through the terminals.


You might be surprised at the tether possibilities in cars overseas - the do exist. We found a way to do it - you might also.


PM me if you want details. :)

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Thanks for your suggestions. I looked into the travel vest, but it's still too big for my son and he wouldn't be able to use it for another six months since he's very tall and thin, even though he's almost three. I think he's much too tall to sit in a rear-facing seat. We are on an extremely tight budget, so we can't spend two hundred dollars on anything, especially something that will only work for a few months or in some cars.


I am sure there will be cars with top tethers, but since we won't own a car there, I won't have any control over that.


I'll look into carseat.org too.


We were in the same situation five years ago with slightly older children (4 and 6), and just did the best we could, but I hoped that there would be something available that is portable, light, and could be used with only a lap belt. I think there are many children around the world who could use something like that.

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Thanks for your suggestions. I looked into the travel vest, but it's still too big for my son and he wouldn't be able to use it for another six months since he's very tall and thin, even though he's almost three. I think he's much too tall to sit in a rear-facing seat. We are on an extremely tight budget, so we can't spend two hundred dollars on anything, especially something that will only work for a few months or in some cars.


I am sure there will be cars with top tethers, but since we won't own a car there, I won't have any control over that.


I'll look into carseat.org too.


We were in the same situation five years ago with slightly older children (4 and 6), and just did the best we could, but I hoped that there would be something available that is portable, light, and could be used with only a lap belt. I think there are many children around the world who could use something like that.


ALL car seats can be installed with a lap only belt-do not fret. There are a few *types* of seat belts that can not be used for installing car seats, but they are not very common any longer.


How tall is your son? Do you know his torso height? Measure him while sitting on the floor from butt to shoulder. I honestly do not know many children, at not even age 3, whom are too tall to RF.


The Cosco Scenera and Evenflo Maestro are the two most in-expensive options and lightweight :)


If you belong to cafemom.com you can come visit the car seat safety group-I help co-admin that group. :)

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