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3yo drank hydrogen peroxide

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She threw up on the way to the museum & told us it was because she "drank some yucky stuff." I'd found one of their toothbrushes on the bathroom floor & stuck them all in little medicine cups of hydrogen peroxide & forgot about them. Of course, she's the one who drinks whatever she finds to see what it is. She stole a jalapeno yesterday, thinking it was a tomato. :glare:


Anyway, I called poison control. They usually tell me to give a kid milk, & everything's fine. This time, the lady had to check w/ someone else, then wanted to know dd's medical background--ie, allergies, medications, etc., then said she should be fine, it's non-toxic, but that they'll call back in an hr to check on her.


What I'm wondering is: a) has the standard procedure at poison control changed (it's been yrs since I've had to call for anything), or b) is hydrogen peroxide more serious than, say, icy hot (ds got ahold of that once or twice), or c) other?

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how much would you say she drank?


I give my dogs a teaspoon at a time to get them to throw up. My little dogs are 10 - 13 pounds so they get a teaspoon at a time. The greyhound, almost 70 pounds, gets a tablespoon at a time. BUT, I have to give SEVERAL spoonfuls to get them to vomit. I'd say maybe a quarter cup is safe? This is just shooting at the hip........ I've had to give my labs the same to get them to vomit. It is safe at these amounts.

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I don't know about poison control, however when my golden was a puppy, she would eat the silicon ends off of the pacifiers and swallow them whole. This would most likely cause a blockage that could kill her. the cure? Hydrogen peroxide (up to a 1/4 cup) and the dog would barf until the pacifier was up. We did this many times. (at least 10- this stupid dog swallowed everything)


So I guess poison control is better or more worried about allergies or maybe the call person was new.



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Well, since the toothbrushes were in medicine cups, I know almost for sure how much she drank: ea one holds 4tsp. She says she only drank one, but two of them were empty. So 4-8tsp.


Her conclusion? She shouldn't have told me what she did. :glare: She hasn't gotten in trouble or anything, & I've just given her a bath & a drink & told her how important it is that she not drink things when she doesn't know what they are.


This child. :svengo: Always. this. child. :lol:

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I think that is the standard procedure now.


If it makes you feel any better, I once had a person at poison control recognize my voice! (I had one of those children too!)


Oh good. I gave her the info, but then I thought, jeepers, what if this is the beginning of a CPS investigation? Maybe the fact that I knew *exactly* how much she'd drunk set off alarm bells, I dunno.


But she looks penitent. Dh is optimistic that the lesson will stick. Me? I'm a perpetual pessimist, lol.


Alright, Jean--we're off to a NEW church. W/ a loud-mouth 3yo who I *pray* doesn't say, "Hi. I threw up today. I'm three." :glare: :lol:

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I've never had poison control call me back to check on a child, and I've called several times over the years for (off the top of my head) Comet cleanser, toothpaste, AZO tablets, a mothball, latex paint, and Benadryl.


I have also given hydrogen peroxide to a dog to induce vomiting before.


Poison control always calls me back! (Not for this 3yo yet, but my previous two 3 year olds way too often!)


PSA- If you use a non-land line, be sure to register with Poison Control just as you do 911. The first time we called with our Vonage number, they routed us to our old location (we kept our number).

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how much would you say she drank?


I give my dogs a teaspoon at a time to get them to throw up. My little dogs are 10 - 13 pounds so they get a teaspoon at a time. The greyhound, almost 70 pounds, gets a tablespoon at a time. BUT, I have to give SEVERAL spoonfuls to get them to vomit. I'd say maybe a quarter cup is safe? This is just shooting at the hip........ I've had to give my labs the same to get them to vomit. It is safe at these amounts.


Sounds like you've got the wrong pets. If you want ones that throw up regularly, you need cats. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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Anyway, I called poison control. They usually tell me to give a kid milk, & everything's fine. This time, the lady had to check w/ someone else, then wanted to know dd's medical background--ie, allergies, medications, etc., then said she should be fine, it's non-toxic, but that they'll call back in an hr to check on her.


What I'm wondering is: a) has the standard procedure at poison control changed (it's been yrs since I've had to call for anything), or b) is hydrogen peroxide more serious than, say, icy hot (ds got ahold of that once or twice),

When I call PC they always ask questions, and they call back, etc because when a child has gotten into one thing, they may have gotten into another. If you call back with a groggy child, they already have the info.

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I've called poison control a few times - flouridated toothpaste, Lantana berries, something else I can't remember.


They called back on the berries but not for the other things (IIRC). Every time we called, the person we spoke with was incredibly friendly and helpful.


I'm really grateful for them. I wish there was some way to send a donation. :D

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