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My 5 yo REALLY wants to go to kindergarten...

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AND it starts the day after tomorrow!!


I'm very tempted. I just don't have the time to teach her and I KNOW she would learn so much more in school if I sent her. My ds is starting high school and my dd is starting middle school this year, so I'm swamped and overwhelmed as it is. I love the idea of getting some help w/teaching my 5yo to read and gain some basic skills. I feel guilty but it really would be such a help!!


On the other hand, I'm worried about possible ungodly influences and the stresses of simply going to school everyday. She wouldn't be going next year though. It would only be for this year. I've had plenty of experience w/the school in the older grades so that's pretty definite.


Any advice guys? It seems crazy to be thinking of sending her so soon but boy, it would be kind of a relief during the day. I could focus on my older kids w/out any guilt.

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Personally, I wouldn't do it. You mentioned the ungodly influences and that's exactly what I'd be worried about. Kids that age know SO much more than they used to....they know about sex, some of them say cuss words, and they just seem so much older now. I'd worry about the influences. But I know it would take some stress off of you though!

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AND it starts the day after tomorrow!!


I'm very tempted. I just don't have the time to teach her and I KNOW she would learn so much more in school if I sent her. My ds is starting high school and my dd is starting middle school this year, so I'm swamped and overwhelmed as it is. I love the idea of getting some help w/teaching my 5yo to read and gain some basic skills. I feel guilty but it really would be such a help!!


On the other hand, I'm worried about possible ungodly influences and the stresses of simply going to school everyday. She wouldn't be going next year though. It would only be for this year. I've had plenty of experience w/the school in the older grades so that's pretty definite.


Any advice guys? It seems crazy to be thinking of sending her so soon but boy, it would be kind of a relief during the day. I could focus on my older kids w/out any guilt.


I personally don't think it would hurt to try it out for a year if she really wants to do it and there are no other reasons not to. (allergies, academic differences etc..).


I think the good thing is that its in Kindergarten, so you have plenty of time before school gets "serious" whether at home or in PS.

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I'd go for it. I might tell her, "In our family, we do first grade, or whatever, at home, (assuming that is your 'rule'), but if you want to, you can go to kindergarten."


Honestly, while kids today do know a lot more, the fact is you are going to see a lot less of that in kindergarten than in the higher grades. And kindergarten isn't going to be that ungodly.


It sounds like she wants to go, and it sounds like it would be helpful for you to send her. So, why not??? Seems silly to torture both of you and decrease her education on a hypothetical philosophical issue.

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It's not the end of the world to send her to K, true, but having one in middle and one in high school is not the end of the ability to do K, either.


What is your schedule like? Perhaps we can help you tweak it.


There're workboxes, Montessori approaches, MOTH approaches (basically having one kid play with/occupy or even teach the little one for 15-20 minutes to help out so you can focus on the other big one, then they switch), video/computer "help," etc. Lots of ways to do K, lots of ways to juggle 3 kids.

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My personal opinion - If you aren't planning on sending her from 1st grad eup - it is almost a tease to send to her Kindy. She is super excited already, what if she loves it and wants to stay there? That will make the adjustment to HSing the following year rough on everyone.

Plus Kindy is the foundation. So many crucial skills are learned or atleast have the frameowrk laid in Kindy. That and it just plays a huge influence in attitude towards and enjoyment of learning.


If your older kiddos are in HS and MS - can't they help out with the youngest schooling?? Like one sit with her and read with her while you are working with the other. Then switch off. They can practice phonics, ABCs, Numbers, etc; build with block, and/or do little art projects with her. It will give them a little blow-off-some-steam break too. Everyone just might have some fun :D


Maybe that is unrealistic of me, but it sounds soooo nice in my head :D Personally I would give it a try before sending her off to Kindy.

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Well, we decided to pass on kindergarten. It actually started today not tomorrow. But the clincher was on the way to Costco tonight, I caught an episode of Focus on the Family. They played an old interview of Dr.Dobson and Dr. Raymond Moore. My 11 yo dd said, "I think we have our answer"...it was a very encouraging and enlightening interview.


So thanks for all the replies, it was comforting just to read different points of view. I'm actually looking forward to spending this year w/my 5yo dd and she told me tonight she would rather do VBS than school. I never said she had to choose but it's good to hear her say that on her own.

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Don't read my answer if you don't want to know what I think.


It's ridiculous to say you don't have enough time to teach her? You've got five kids. At 14, 11 and 9 those kids ought to be doing enough of their own work that you should have plenty of time to tend to the other two.


And she's only five. Good grief, K takes just a little bit of time daily. Teach her yourself.

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Well, we decided to pass on kindergarten. It actually started today not tomorrow. But the clincher was on the way to Costco tonight, I caught an episode of Focus on the Family. They played an old interview of Dr.Dobson and Dr. Raymond Moore. My 11 yo dd said, "I think we have our answer"...it was a very encouraging and enlightening interview.


So thanks for all the replies, it was comforting just to read different points of view. I'm actually looking forward to spending this year w/my 5yo dd and she told me tonight she would rather do VBS than school. I never said she had to choose but it's good to hear her say that on her own.


Honestly, that is exactly the conclusion I would have come to too. Good for you! :)

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