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Fruit Flies!!! Driving me crazy!!!

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Does anyone know how to get rid of these annoying things!?!? We do not have any fruit sitting out on the counters, no dirty dishes in the sink, etc... I wipe my counters and table every day multiple times. I mean, I am a bit of a neat freak.


However, we have these fruit flies! It is like they came out of no where and they won't leave!


Does anyone know what could have caused this???? I have even cleaned my disposal out and poured cleanser down the drains in case something got caught in there that I wasn't aware of for some reason.


Oh, and our trash does not build up, plus it has a lid on it anyway. We have to take it out daily though.


Help!!! Any advice is definitely welcome to get rid of these nasty things!


Have a wonderful day! :)

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We have been having trouble with them this summer too! I know that they also like damp things (washcloths, sponges) and that so they could be coming from the bathroom or a pile of wet laundry - not just the kitchen.


Everything I read said the only way to get rid of them is to be vigilant about food and wet stuff in every room of the house. Sounds like you already are, but that's what I read.

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Put a small bowl with apple cider vinegar and a couple drops of dish soap. They come for the fruit, but drown b/c of the reduced surface tension not allowing them to stand on the water. We use Bragg's brand, so I don't know if that's why it works so well, but it does work.

:iagree: Right down to the brand of apple cider vinegar. It's amazing how quickly the ones we had disappeared after I tried this method! I think in 2 days every single one was dead.

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I have them, too--


What I discovered is that some of them were coming from inside a cabinet--I had rotten potatoes in the back...


It helps to immediately wash the "hard" fruits--apples, bananas, oranges--to get the eggs off. I also wash grapes and store them in the fridge.

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The apple cider vinegar plus soap trick really works. We have been having trouble with fruit flies and that easy trap has made a big dent in their population :D.

This is what I use also. You have to add the soap, otherwise they'll drink the vinegar and fly away.


I think they come in on the bananas and pineapples.

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I agree with the apple cider vinegar!


Put some apple cider vinegar in a cup, add a few drops of dish soap and put plastic wrap on the top. Poke holes in the plastic and place out in the kitchen or where you have problems.


I put ice and baking soda in my garbage disposal add vinegar, when the foaming action is done, I turn on the water and turn on the disposal. when my problems are bad, I pour cleaner or something down the sink(s) at night and plug up the drains.


I didn't know that about fruit having eggs on them, so now I should wash them. I only have bananas set out in the open. How do you wash bananas?

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Put a small bowl with apple cider vinegar and a couple drops of dish soap. They come for the fruit, but drown b/c of the reduced surface tension not allowing them to stand on the water. We use Bragg's brand, so I don't know if that's why it works so well, but it does work.

:iagree: This works like a charm!!!

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