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I've lost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks

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I posted about 3 weeks ago that my blood test results came back with me being on the line between pre-diabetic and diabetic. Well, that scared me so I cut out all sugar as in no more soda, sweet tea, cookies, etc and al white food as in bread, pasta, pototoes, etc. I am eating mostly chicken, fish, vegs , bran cereal, oatmeal and a very small amount of fruit. I also am swimming laps at our local fitness center most days. I sure hope this works, I don't want to be diabetic. I get my blood tested again the end of Oct.


If any of you can give me some success stories of people getting their blood sugar levels back to normal, please tell me. When tested 3 weeks ago, my blood sugar level was 120 and my hemoglobin was 6.5.

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Great job.


You might look at Raw for 30 Days and Eat to Live (the latter is not raw).


Diabetes *IS* curable (and curable FAST). NO ONE has to live with type II diabetes and many don't have to live with type I either!


Once you get it down, you can eat animal products and whites in moderation if you wish. But it is important to get it down doing whatever you have to!


I am so thankful I learned. I didn't lose a lot of weight (originally), but it was so nice to get my sugar down! Now I can slowly work on the weight loss (was down 43 pounds but went back up so have netted about 28 pounds lost since Aug 26, 2009). That is nice but not being diabetic or pre-diabetic is even better.


I can't wait to hear you got your sugar down on top of some nice weight loss :)

Edited by 2J5M9K
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You can do it! Last November, my husband's health was just like yours. In fact, his doctor told him that if he planned to live to see his sons get married, he had better completely change what he was doing. He went on strict South Beach Diet and started walking and then running. His BP is down, his blood sugar is down and he just ran a six mile race last month. He feels better than he has in probably 15 years.

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:hurray: Way to Go!! I'm so proud of you.


My success story does not include blood sugar results, but I hope you will be encouraged anyway. In July 2008 I started Weight Watchers (again!). In August I donated blood and my cholesterol was 234. In December 2008, it was 181 and in September 2009, it was 154. (Desirable is less than 200.) This was due to dietary and activity changes only - no medication. By September 2009, I had lost over 50 pounds. I followed a somewhat low carb plan which I believe was instrumental in my success. When I eat too many carbs, I am hungry all.the.time. Even though I joined WW and attended meetings (I've now reached my goal - lost 66 pounds), I continue to educate myself as much as possible and incorporate anything that I think will be helpful. In other words, I don't follow any 1 plan - but whatever works and is healthy.


I encourage to educate yourself and keep up the good work.1


Best wishes.

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Congrats! I recently got diagnosed with diabetes. :( But in three months, I got my A1C down to 5.3! Eating mostly raw, destressing, and exercising. Without medicine or insulin... Diabetes is indeed "curable" very fast if you do the right stuff. I wasn't able to stay 75% raw though, but I'll be giving it another good effort soon.

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Great job! :001_smile: - I went through a similar experience about 3 years ago when I went through a premature menopause at (37). My fasting blood sugar was in the prediabetic range, and it really scared me! I lost a lot of weight quickly bc I did basically what you did- dropped almost all carbs from my diet. I was already under a normal weight for my height, so this was not a good thing. I ended up losing A LOT of my hair about 3 months later, so don't be surprised if your hair starts shedding. It's normal when you lose weight quickly by dropping carbs - it will grow back! You asked if anyone had been able to "cure" or stop diabetes from happening. I've found that if I eat right, my fasting bs is always in the normal range. I exercise about 4-5 times a week and try not to eat bad carbs after 8:00 pm. I can eat an occasional treat right before I exercise. Another trick is vinegar. If you eat a salad with vinegar in the dressing or a couple of pickles with your meal, it will also help with blood sugar control. A small snack of protein before bed also helps with fasting #s.


When I went through menopause, my testosterone level dropped significantly. My ob prescribed testosterone cream which amazingly, has helped to lower my bs as well! I've noticed a drop of about 20-30 points compared to what it used to be after carbs. I did some research on the web and found that studies show adding testosterone to people with low levels had a surprising effect of lowering blood sugar levels! This diabetic forum is full of support and information for prediabetics http://www.diabetesforums.com/forum/pre-diabetes/ Feel free to pm me if I can answer any more of your questions.

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Awesome! Dh has gone to preventive cardiology for over 10 years for high triglycerides and cholesterol. He never really changed his lifestyle, just took meds, until last year, when his blood sugar tested in the 140s several times in a row. They wanted him to change is diet and exercise to see what would happen. He has somewhat modified his diet (he's one of the pickiest eaters in the world, so not easy for him), but he began working out at least 5 times a week this past December. He has lost about 15 lbs. and his blood test levels have come back much lower in everything the last two times. The nurse practitioner said if they go down at the next appointment, he can start weaning off some of the meds! I'm so proud of him, and you! Keep up the good work.

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WOW! I just got diagnosed with PCOS and was put on Metformin. I have cut back sugars (not completely) and am eating better in general. I never could loose weight before though. I have tried over and over again. Just being put on the meds, I lost 5 lbs and counting right off the bat. It's amazing...my body is working correctly again.


One book to look into..is "The Insulin Resistant Diet" It has to do with teaching you about HOW to eat sugars...how to combine them with other foods so that they are absorbed more correctly when you do eat them.


Good luck to you!


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If any of you can give me some success stories of people getting their blood sugar levels back to normal, please tell me.


Wow! Good for you! I will tell you that my Mom was dx type-2 diabetic 4-5 years ago. She wasn't very overweight - I'd say 20 lbs. or so, and did not regularly exercise.


She has managed to completely control her diabetes with diet and exercise. Recently, she really slacked off and gained several pounds. Her A1c was not good and her doctor wanted to put her on Metformin. She asked for three months to get back on track, and she did! She lost 14 lbs., and her last A1c was very good.


You can do it! And so smart of you to start now, before it gets to diabetes!


ETA that although my Mom started with the diabetic diet an RD gave her, she moved to a glycemic load diet and swears that that is how she stays healthy w/o meds. I believe that there is a whole series of books - something about a glucose revolution - that she uses. HTH!

Edited by Laurie in Germany
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