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Did you ever hear of TOPS???

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I had posted recently that I planned on going back to Weight Watchers next week, as I've always found it to be a safe, effective, healthy and sensible weight loss plan.


I never heard of TOPS but somehow my mom came across it and sent me some links with info, reviews, meeting locations and so on, and it sounds good to me!


Best of all, it's WAY cheaper than WW! WW often has a registration fee and then it costs like $14.00 a week per person. Well, TOPS is a not for profit program that costs only $26.00 per YEAR and then $1.00 a week dues. And if a spouse or family member joins with you, they pay only half! WAY cheaper than WW!


I found out there's a meeting near me Thursday mornings, so instead of going to WW next Tuesday morning like I had planned, I'm going to go check out this TOPS meeting on Thursday morning instead!


I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this program and if you want to give me your thoughts on it??


Or, if you just want to check it out yourself, here's the website!



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I haven't done it but I've known people who did and who were very happy with it.


Solid, healthy program, from what I've heard. Here's their pledge:



I am an intellegent person

I will control my emotions, not let my emotions control me.

every time I am tempted to use food to satify my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego or dull my senses,

I will remember, even though I overeat in private, my excess poundage is there for all the world to see.

I will Take Off Pounds Sensibly.


Not sure what strategies they use to help one fulfill the pledge.

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I did it successfully once and unsuccessfully once. It is based on a lot of the same principles as WW--eat healthy, consume fewer calories than your body needs, exercise, no quick fixes, etc. They use the exchange system, which is what my dietician recommended when I had Gestational Diabetes. I actually like it better than WW points because it ensures that you're getting fruits and veggies.


I used just the diet and lost 30 lbs. when I was 23...then gained it back when DH and I were dating and newly married (too much eating out :P ) and then joined a TOPS chapter after DS was born and lost 20 lbs....then had DD6 and rejoined. That time I wasn't motivated and didn't do as well.


The main difference between TOPS and WW is that in TOPS I think the chapter leaders are all volunteers, and they encourage the members to do things like present the lesson at the meetings, get involved with different things, help out with service projects, etc. where at WW the leader does pretty much everything. Also, I think the cost factor makes a difference--some people will put more effort into a program they pay $40/mo. for than one they pay $5/mo. for.


My guess with TOPS is that a lot depends on your chapter. Mine had a LOT of people who weren't serious about weight loss. We didn't have many KOPS (members at their goal weight), and there were many weeks where we collectively gained more than we lost. It didn't matter the first time I joined (after DS was born) because I was motivated. When I was struggling with my motivation, I didn't have anyone (in the group) who could encourage me to do better...because they weren't either.


I struggle with the cost of WW too. If I was better at doing it on my own, I'd just do the TOPS diet and not worry about meetings.

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I agree that TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a wonderful program. My mom joined a group in the early to mid 1970s and she lost all her excess weight, eventually qualifying for KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).


I remember that she printed off the TOPS Pledge and posted in on the refrigerator door, on her bedroom mirror and above the bathroom scales. She was also very motivated by the weekly weigh-ins. Just knowing she had to step on those scales and have her weight recorded (not in front of everyone, just the recorder person) was motivation for her.


I know her interest in the group died down when my Dad became diabetic, and she stopped going, but she never did regain any excess weight. I think the training and experience in the group, plus learning how to cook for a diabetic was instrumental in her success.


Actually, this is the first time I've heard of this group since the mid 70s! I'm glad they are still around, although I've never heard of or seen adverts for the group in our area. I'd say go and give it a try.

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My Aunt has belonged for over 30 years. Her weight has cycled, but it has been a consistant source of encouragement and motivation and support for her. She has currently kept her weight in range for over 5 yrs. At the very least, you could check out the local chapter before comitting to WW.

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First I have to say in all fairness to WW, you can usually avoid the registration fee and if you do the monthly pass it's closer to $10/week which also gets you into all the online tools...but, yes I've heard of TOPS (I remember my aunts and grandma used to go to meetings then eat out afterward!) and I would seriously consider joining instead of WW if there were clubs nearby that I could actually get to.

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When I worked at a local newspaper about eight years ago, I was in charge of 'lifestyles' which meant doing all the reporting for groups like that, and TOPS (and subsequently KOPS) was one of our main submitters. The women that I met from those groups were quietly motivated and really seemed to do well.

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I had posted recently that I planned on going back to Weight Watchers next week, as I've always found it to be a safe, effective, healthy and sensible weight loss plan.


I never heard of TOPS but somehow my mom came across it and sent me some links with info, reviews, meeting locations and so on, and it sounds good to me!


Best of all, it's WAY cheaper than WW! WW often has a registration fee and then it costs like $14.00 a week per person. Well, TOPS is a not for profit program that costs only $26.00 per YEAR and then $1.00 a week dues. And if a spouse or family member joins with you, they pay only half! WAY cheaper than WW!


I found out there's a meeting near me Thursday mornings, so instead of going to WW next Tuesday morning like I had planned, I'm going to go check out this TOPS meeting on Thursday morning instead!


I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this program and if you want to give me your thoughts on it??


Or, if you just want to check it out yourself, here's the website!




I was member about 10 years ago for a couple of years. The group I joined started out very helpful, supportive, had great activities to support weight loss and held a couple of events a year where experts would come.


Later, the helpful organizing folks kind of left or moved and it turned into a weekly 'poor me' drama hour. On top of that people started going out to a fattening restaurant after the meetings for their 'cheat meal' of the week. :001_huh: I quit because it was no longer a good place to be.


So... my advice would be to check out the group before committing to one because they vary widely in atmosphere and helpfulness.


The TOPS program is very solid. It is basically a calorie-counting, food logging method, but a bit simplified so it doesn't seem like so much fuss and work. It really does help show you what you are doing with food and with exercise. A good group that motivates you makes it even easier.


There is a very inexpensive book you can buy (but it isn't required) that outlines a sensible eating plan, has some recipes, and give some instructions and guides for exercise plans as well. When you join you will start getting the TOPS newsletter, too. (I think they still have a newsletter??) It was really nice to get every month -- had motivating stories, quotes, etc, plus recipes and other TOPS news. There are a few other toys and kits and such available, too.


I would recommend TOPS to anyone looking for a sensible, no-fad-diets program as long as the group they join is a stable one with people who are actually committed to weight loss support (as opposed to a group that is really just a hen party in disguise).

Edited by Audrey
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Can you find out if they make allowances for nursing mothers? And if the plan is low fat/ high carb or something else? I am hypoglycemic and have to limit carbs...



IIRC, they allow you to set your own weight goal. You don't get penalized for gaining. I mean... no one is there to chastize you. When I was in TOPS we had a woman who became pregnant and kept coming even though she gained. She kept coming, though, because she was overweight to begin with and her doctor recommended that she not gain more than a certain amount. She wanted to keep up her healthy eating and have the support she needed to keep going. We were all very supportive of her, even though it meant that our group's overall loss for the year wasn't impressive. It didn't matter because she was "one of ours" and that was more important than getting a regional award for most weight lost.


You are not required to follow the TOPS plan. It does give you a guide to follow, but people have their own food needs and issues and TOPS is flexible about that. They do discourage fad dieting because that isn't "Taking Off Pounds Sensibly," but you are in charge of what you eat. That's kind of the whole point -- to get you in control of your own eating in a sensible manner.

Edited by Audrey
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