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s/o seperate bedrooms

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I wondered how many can't sleep without their significant others. When my dh is out of town I end up on the couch because I cannot sleep in our bed without him. I know of a few who are the same and wondered if any here are as well.

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It doesn't worry me that he is not in the same bed, obviously, since we dont sleep together anyway....but there have been times over the years when he has been away when I have become frightened and realised how much just his presence in the house makes me feel secure.

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When my husband was a truck driver, I couldn't sleep without him home. Now he's retired from trucking, his work during season picks up, and I still can't sleep until he comes home..and that's sometimes 1 or 2 am. I can't sleep until I know that he's here, safe and sound. But I am also one that can't go to bed, until I know that everyone is sound to sleep. :)

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If he's just gone for a few nights then I usually crash on the sofa. For extended seperations I do sleep in our room (there's no way I'm sleeping on the sofa for 6+ months at a time!) but I have so much trouble falling asleep while he's away. I usually listen to my MP3 player, read, or watch Netflix on the laptop. I always stay up too late when my dh is gone.

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My husband travels 2-3 times a year for a couple weeks at a time and takes the occasional weekend down at his mothers with ds (and sometimes younger dd as well). I dont' sleep well when he's not home. Being alone in the house, or just with the little guys, makes me nervous (older d is only here every other week). I sleep with the bathroom light on and stay up way too late because I can't fall asleep.


I do stay in our bed since there isn't anywhere else in my house to sleep and I might as well be comfortable even if I can't sleep.

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I don't sleep well away from dh at all. When he's gone I leave the bathroom light on, and more often than not a kid or two ends up crawling into my bed in the middle of the night.


If dh is out late I stay up waiting for him. I have a somewhat irrational fear of him getting jumped or in an accident and me not knowing something is wrong until the next morning.

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