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workbooky things for 4yo


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I've never been much into this - but I'd like to get my 4yo some workbooks of some sort - something he can do when his older brothers are doing school. Coloring or crayon skills or maybe cutting would be good - is kumon my best bet? I'm not at all wanting to press him into doing school - I'd just like for him to sit with us and have something of his own, even if it's for 10-15 minutes kwim?


I'd appreciate any recommendations.

Edited by Emmy
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I gave my daughter an alphabet wipe-off book so she could sit with us (make sure your dry erase markers are washable!). It keeps her busy and she feels like it's actual school work, so we are both happy. She also likes to play with geoboards and pattern blocks during math, because that's what she sees her older sister using. You could also give him something simple to trace then cut out.

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Guest momk2000

My dd also enjoyed the workbooks from R&S this past year. We used these along with the Big Preschool Workbook from School Zone Publishing (picked this up at our local Wal-Mart). :)

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My son used to do puzzles, mazes when I was teaching my oldest. He particular likes Kumon maze books. Now he wants to study like a big boy, doing his math at the same time his sister is studying. We are using program similar to Singapore Earlybird math, but with a lot of logical puzzles, critical thinking assignments and mazes. My son really enjoys it.


If your child likes mazes, I highly recommend Kumon books.

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We did the Before the Code books that everyone is recommending, but I also just printed a bunch of things from this website and this one. I printed out everything I thought I'd use for the year at the beginning of the school year and pulled a page out any time my dd wanted something more to do. Cheap, easy, and it doesn't matter what she did to them as long as they kept her happy! ;) I also kept any and all scrap paper in a bin and she was allowed to cut them to her heart's content when ever she wanted. She picked up the big pieces when she was done and I used a little hand held vacuum to clean up the little ones.

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My 4 y/o son liked when I gave him simple mazes (I would just find and print them online mostly), he liked trying to trace (a very simple coloring book and tracing paper would be good for this), he liked finger painting, water color painting and coloring with markers/crayons on plain, blank paper, and he loved when I gave him some construction paper with child safety scissors, and a one hole punch. Stickers and stamps were good, too. As was playdough and a kid's cutting knife and rolling pin and cookie cutters. Also simple puzzles, pattern blocks, and his sister's homemade geoboard. So you could always do stuff like that as opposed to workbooks if you wanted with the same effect, I'm sure! I don't know how expensive those workbooks are on their own. But just throwing it out there! :)

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Thanks for all the ideas - I ordered the "first" series of kumon books for him (Let's color, Let's cut, Let's fold, etc) and I might go back and get those R&S ones for him next time I do a RR order. Thanks for the website ideas as well.

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Hi Emmy,

I was looking for ideas for my 3yo dd (soon to be 4) as well. I found these worksheets from Starfall and I *love* this workbook that I recently found at Walmart in the school supply aisle (staples carries them too). I got this one from Staples for my K boy. I'd love to find something else like the Path Quest book for my son. It is really cool.

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