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Bed wetting....for an almost 7 year old boy....

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My son has been wearing night time diapers for a while. He just didn't seem ready to get through the night without unloading!! I kept waiting for dry diapers to appear like my 4 girls before him, but....they never came :) Enough is enough now. I need him to hold his bladder through the night before he gets married :)


Any suggestions? I had him quit diapers cold turkey 3 nights ago and for the past 3 days I've been washing his bedding galore!!!! It doesn't and never has bothered him in the least to sleep in wetness




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tho he will have bouts of dry diapers. We will then let him wear underwear only to end up washing the sheets every day. What makes it worse, he doesn't even notice he peed in his bed! He could care less too.


Of course, we also have to make sure he sits on the potty every day also and wipe his tooshie. Otherwise, we have a lot of "accidents". We will have a party when he can finally figure out when he has to go and sit on the potty himself! (which he can do when he needs to pee...just not the other one...or is that two :lol:)


I wish I had some advice for you. As you said, he needs to stop the bed wetting before he gets married!

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He may not be able to meet your expectations until he is older. For some boys it can be as old as 12 or so. You might want to consider putting him back into night pants and focusing on something else for now. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal and he will be dry before marriage.

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I agree with Kelli. I think it's fine to try various things from having him clean up himself, trying pullups, trying without, trying diet changes, limiting fluids, even trying meds or alarms. But in the end, it really is about when his body and brain are ready.


My son is 13 this month. I do know how exasperating it can be. There has been NOTHING that has worked and we've tried EVERYTHING.


But it is VERY likely that our boys will grow out of it. It may just take a little more time.


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Some kids just take longer to outgrow night-wetting. If sleeping in the wetness doesn't bother him, I'd just let him wear the nighttime diapers and not make a big deal of it.


And don't worry, I'm sure he'll outgrow it loooong before he gets married! :001_smile:

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every once in awhile he will have a dry night, but most mornings he wakes up soaked. He doesn't feel it at all. We've kept it low key and sometimes he asks to try undies at night, but it doesn't work. I decided quite some time ago not to stress about it. I have a nephew who is 12 and still has nightly accidents. He has a small bladder and whatever muscles it is are too tight. In fact he even has problems during the day sometimes. Have no idea if it's a family thing or not.


An interesting thing I noticed while we were on vacation ds at to pee *A LOT* really really *A LOT*. All food restrictions were relaxed, but as soon as we got home we were back on our almost all natural diet and his peeing was back to normal. I have to wonder if there is a connection.


*hugs* at least you know he isn't the only one. Hopefully it will be gone before they get married.

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A while back someone on this board recommended a book called "Dry All Night". It has info for parents & also a storybook for kids to attempt to help the child visualize being dry at night. The storybook is a little cheesy & repetitive but my 6yo son seems to like it & it seems to be helping too. He's had several dry nights lately (although not consecutive). It also is helping us discuss & deal with some daytime wetting as well.




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I've been there with my dd. We used goodnites after it just killed my back getting her up to take her to the bathroom all hours of the night. We tried all the behavior mod tricks. Nothing worked. When the doctor put her on the DDAVP nose spray we used it for about 1 1/2 months and she hasn't we since. She had just turned 8 when we used it.

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OK - I know I sound like a broken record, and I know every kid is different - but peanut butter was making my dd wet the bed. At 8 1/2 yo we quit PB&J and she's been dry ever since. (11 yo this summer).

"Goodnights" are like pullups and I would use them again if I had to.


This baby on the way will probably not eat peanut butter til s/he's grown!

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My son has been wearing night time diapers for a while. He just didn't seem ready to get through the night without unloading!! I kept waiting for dry diapers to appear like my 4 girls before him, but....they never came :) Enough is enough now. I need him to hold his bladder through the night before he gets married :)


Any suggestions? I had him quit diapers cold turkey 3 nights ago and for the past 3 days I've been washing his bedding galore!!!! It doesn't and never has bothered him in the least to sleep in wetness





BTDT. Things suggested to me to try. Watch milk and pbutter intake. Show him how to use the washing machine. No matter how flustered you are stay matter of fact, "did you put your sheets in the washing machine". The bed wetting alarm did work for us we purchased one that buzzed and vibrated. Also, has he had a physical with bloodwork to be sure there's not a medical reason for bed wetting? It will pass. My ds was almost 11 before he stopped. HTH

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It doesn't sound like this is the case here, but if you have a child who has habitually been dry in the mornings and then suddenly reverts, you should always rule out blood sugar issues. That can be one of the first signs of Type 1 diabetes (or Type 2, for that matter; but Type 1 would be more typical in children).

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