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Help! Newborn orphaned mice

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Just born, not sure when, but they are teeny, tiny, hairless, eyes not opened (don't even look totally formed). My dh was mowing, and the mom is-gone. So, now there are 3 little ones, and my dc want to "save" them. I think they are too small, but just wondering if anyone has any experience with this.

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The best thing to do to save them is leave them in the grass around where they were. Mom will come back for them. I went through that a few years ago and put all the babies (like 12 of them!) in a shredded newspaper-filled glass fish tank I kept outside. Within the hour, the mom found them, jumped in and grabbed one by the neck and jumped back out and went somewhere. A minute later she came and got another one. I watched her take all 12 away with her. It was so cool.

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I saved a tiny hairless squirrel once. His mouth was too little for a cat bottle so I used a q-tip and swabbed baby cat formula on his lips. He would lick his lips and that is how I fed him until he was big enough for the baby cat nipple. You would have to keep them warm. I put an electric mat under the box the squirrel was in, making sure it was only low warm and there were no hot spots. The babies may not potty on their own and you'll have to simulate a mother licking her young. Gently stroke their tummy until they urinate. You'll have to feed them hourly in small amounts and there is no guarantee they'll survive. My squirrel did and when he was old enough we turned him over to a re-habber for introduction to the wild. It is a lot of round-the-clock work but if they survive it is so rewarding. Good luck!

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The best thing to do to save them is leave them in the grass around where they were. Mom will come back for them. I went through that a few years ago and put all the babies (like 12 of them!) in a shredded newspaper-filled glass fish tank I kept outside. Within the hour, the mom found them, jumped in and grabbed one by the neck and jumped back out and went somewhere. A minute later she came and got another one. I watched her take all 12 away with her. It was so cool.


I took the OP to mean that hubby was mowing the grass and the mother won't be coming back, kwim? Maybe I'm just too macabre, though.

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I tried saving my hamster's babies as a teenager, the hamster got out and went down the vent to the furnace...it took my mom 4 days to get Jeepers out of the furnace...stinky!

Anyways, I tried with a medicine dropper, they all died.

My nephew and his friends dug up a rabbit hole and brought home all the babies. I am not kidding you. Looking at him and his friend take these bunnies out of their coat pocket was like watching clowns pile out of the little car. They just kept coming. 14 baby bunnies in all that we fed kitten replacer, rubbed bellies, gave them crushed up lactose meds etc...nope, they all died.

I think you can let your DC try to save them and tell him/her that they probably won't live but it will be a life lesson...

or put them in the field somewhere and tell DC the mom came back and got them.

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We tried to save some baby mice here too. We called our local wildlife center and they gave us some tips, (ie, keeping them warm, feeding with an eyedropper, etc). They lived for about a day and they started to die. My dd was heartbroken. We then ended up with a guinea pig!

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