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Prayers Please

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My sister-in-law's brother was one of the workers injured in the US Steel explosion in PA today. He is in critical condition with burns on over 40% of his body (head, face, and hands are the worst but also buttocks, arms, legs). He is on a ventilator and in a medically-induced coma.


He was standing next to his cousin, another worker, when the blast occured and he pushed his cousin out of the way. The cousin was struck by a beam but expects to be released tomorrow.


The media has been hounding the family for interviews, leaving messages on his mom's phone (her deceased husband had the same name) as well as his wife's phone.


The whole thing is just awful.

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This is the story: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_690351.html


The Tribune, of course, got part of the story wrong. Richard Doyle (SIL's brother) has been a Steelfitter for 23 yrs but he doesn't work at the mill, he works everywhere. He is in critical condition, not stable. I spoke with one of SIL's sister stonight (SIL, BIL and their kids are coming back early from a vacation to be with her brother and family) and she said Rich was talking with the nurses when he first arrived and they were impressed with how strong he is. They intubated and sedated him before the swelling set it.


It's so scary. You go to work thinking it's just another day and then this happens.

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I spoke with my sister-in-law this morning. Her brother is still in critical condition, on the ventilator, chemically sedated. She said he is extremely swollen from all the fluids they have pumped into him, looking very much like her dad did before he died so that is making it even more difficult for the family members. The doctors hope to know more about his prognosis in the next few days. Her cousin, who was also injured in the blast (struck on the head by a beam and some less serious burns), hopes to be released later today.


Please continue praying for Rich and all of the other injured workers.

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