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How much water should children drink a day?

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My 10 yr dd has been having some bathroom problems. They have performed a urinalysis twice this week and both times she had protein and they said it was very concentrated. We are scheduled for an ultrasound on Friday. The ped. said she probably just needs to drink more water, but dd drinks a good amount every day. I told the dr. I disagreed and maybe there is another reason for both of those problems. Today I tried to push more water but dd said it was making her feel sick. She drinks a glass (a large glass ) at breakfast, lunch and dinner and always drinks at least half of one during the night. She's my kiddo who prefers water even when she's sick. I don't know how often she gets water at other times during the day (because I haven't kept track) but she does at least a few times. If she's not drinking water she might have a small glass of milk, oj or lemonade. (but that's not everyday) I'm just curious how much water your dcs drink a day.

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1/2 of your body weight in ounces.


This is what I've always heard you should use as a rule of thumb, too. It does sound like your daughter takes in plenty of fluids though! Maybe you should NOT push more water on her for now- you don't want to make her feel sick or forced!- but maybe you SHOULD pay attention to how much (exactly, or as close as possible) she IS drinking so you can give your ped a log for a few days or a week or something, and then see what he thinks based on that?

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I think the half your body weight in ounces is a starting point. If you have been active, if it's been very hot...or very cold, etc. all of this requires a bit more.


If she's getting enough, her urine should be clear.


We live in FL so everytime we spend time outdoors we all have a glass of water when we come in, usually two. It's been so hot lately that we have spent most of our time indoors. I really think she is getting enough water but there is a problem elsewhere. She has been complaining of pain for a few months now. I wanted to hear what others thought was a good amount though to see if I was way off base or not.

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So does that mean since I'm overweight that I should drink more water than another adult?


Yes. And I have also read that not drinking *enough* water can inhibit weight loss. I *think* I'm seeing that myself...as I *rehydrate* after years of not drinking enough water.


OP...praying you get some definitive answers for your dd.

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