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I know it is shallow, and someone will be appalled but..

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Yeah....but Daniel Craig is an awesome James Bond. :tongue_smilie:


Sweet baby Hercules, yes he is. When he came up out of the water in that swimsuit, I swear my mouth went dry. I'm not usually into light haired men (I like dark hair), but good golly. We went to Monaco back in May and I was looking around hoping I'd see him. :D



BTW, I just got back from seeing Eclipse and oh, how I loves me some Robert Pattinson. I'm not old enough to be his mom, so it doesn't make me a cougar. That is one good looking young man. I'm not in the screaming Jacob camp (Taylor Lautner) because I am old enough to be his mom (if I were a young mom), plus, he'll always be SharkBoy to me. Edward/RPattz though, yummy.

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One of my favorite movies is Reign of Fire. I know people think it's horrid, but I like it for the story. A plus is Christian Bale & Gerard Butler. There's some American guy in it too, but I don't pay attention to him. :lol::lol: In fact it's shaping up to be a great day to watch a fire breathing dragon movie.


Gasp! Some American guy??? You mean, the glorious, drop dead gorgeous, Matthew McConaughey? If only he didn't come across as a dolt in interviews... I was absolutely mad about him until I heard him speak in a non-acting capacity.


So, who is this guy?


More yumminess... Hugh Jackman. Be still my heart.


I have to say I am not at all a NC fan. In fact, I usually can't stand to watch a movie with him in it, though I did enjoy Adaptation a great deal. That said, I caught a glimpse of him in this new movie and I was pleasantly surprised! Maybe it's the wizard thing, or the long hair, but I think it's the best he's ever looked. (I just went to view clips of Valley Girl on YouTube because I've never seen it... yuck. Yucky yuck yuck. And gag. Sorry, Mr Cage.)

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I know exactly what it is. It's the nose.....:lol: I know, I'm a freak. But for me, the nose makes the face. A cute guy can be ruined by a bad nose. I like the roman kind. Nick's is AWESOME! Next is the eyes and the attitude. All together, it's a great combination.


Con Air and Family Man are two of my all time favorites!


Loved him in Family Man!


Don't like the new hair...


But, I must say I think Demi Moore is CRAZY for letting Bruce Willis go. What was she thinking?!?!?!

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I am drooling all over my computer. Whoa, nellie.



But, I must say I think Demi Moore is CRAZY for letting Bruce Willis go. What was she thinking?!?!?!


This! I have been in love with Bruce Willis since Die Hard first came out.

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Oh yeah, I forgot. DH reminded me that I never miss a Dwayne Johnson movie and that I watch them very closely.:lol:


Oh goodness, yes. And doesn't he seem like he is just THE nicest guy in real life too? You never hear any bad things about him, only good ones.

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Guest Cindie2dds

BTW, I just got back from seeing Eclipse and oh, how I loves me some Robert Pattinson. I'm not old enough to be his mom, so it doesn't make me a cougar. That is one good looking young man. I'm not in the screaming Jacob camp (Taylor Lautner) because I am old enough to be his mom (if I were a young mom), plus, he'll always be SharkBoy to me. Edward/RPattz though, yummy.


Agreeing on all counts! :D

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I JUST got back from seeing the Sorcerer's Apprentice with the kids. I have to agree with the OP, Nicolas Cage has never looked better! :drool:


The movie was dumb....I'm not a fan of fantacy at all, but the kids liked it!

Edited by katemary63
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:iagree:Oh yea...Mark Harmon.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Oh my yep! Something about that gray hair gives me the back of the neck tingle.


But, after reading all these 12 pages, I've not seen a mention of Kiefer Sutherland. But then, I have a weakness for ruddy-faced, blonde men.:drool:

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...I've got to say it once. I've been watching the trailers for Sorcerer's Apprentice and I really think Nicolas Cage is HOT!


The older he gets the hotter he gets. And I don't mean in a way that I want to get wild and crazy with him. I simply like to look at him. And maybe drool a little bit.


Okay, I'm done with the shallow for the evening. Thanks for listening.



OH, and I am right there with ya sister. :thumbup:

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I don't know how to post a picture but I second the vote for Matthew Mcconaughey!! Don't forget Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, Leonardo DiCaprio, Liam Neeson and for some strange reason Christopher Meloni from Law & Order SVU.


Also, Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights. I think I watch too much TV.:lol:

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I'm appalled....but only because I don't think Nicolas Cage is AT ALL hot, and I think he's a lousy actor to boot.


Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost)....now he's easy on the eyes ;)


Yes (overact much?) and YES!


Oh yeah, I forgot. DH reminded me that I never miss a Dwayne Johnson movie and that I watch them very closely.:lol:



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This is all I have to say or I'll be banned.....:D


Okay, I will ad this. This is the first man I've ever thought held a candle to Sean Connery (in all his younger glory).


..And he sings..really sings..He showed up on David Letterman one night and Letterman asked him to prove it.. he just sat there and belted out a little opera...omg, legs melting.


Speaking of singing, Gerard Butler lost me in Phantom..the man should never have opened his mouth - it was awful and I can't look at him the same.


Daniel Craig can be my Bond anyday... preferably without the shirt, and dripping wet..


And sorry girls, but I'm lost on Patrick Dempsey and R.Pattinson (sp?)...still have not figured out how either is hot (too many 80's memories of Dempsey I guess, and Robert, well I like my men not too anorexic.. would like to feel like they would win out in hand to hand combat (again, while wet..)...okay, I'll stop.


To get back to Nic Cage - I like his movies, despite knowing he is an awful actor..maybe it's the flaws I like.. but hot? idk...will have to see the new movie. He had long hair in Con Air and no, not hot....

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