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bible curriculum for 1st and 2nd grade


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for those of you who teach bible in your homeschool, what do you recommend? i have a few ideas for what we'll be doing in the fall with my 1st and 2nd grader (the pre-k-er will no doubt sit at the table/on the couch/in bed with us and follow along as well), but would love some recommendations from other classical homeschoolers!




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If you're interested in having Bible integrated with the history/science/art parts of your day, My Father's World Kindergarten or Heart of Dakota's Little Hands to Heaven or Little Hearts for His Glory are wonderful.


ETA: Oops, just saw 1st/2nd graders (sig line threw me off :)) Beyond Little Hearts would be the next older guide...

Edited by krismoose
correct my error
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Leading little ones to God is one I have used. This year I am going to try Apologia's new Bible curriculum...can't remember the name:confused: if you are interested I can get it for you (it is in my Rainbow Resource wish list.


Are you talking about Who is God and Can I Really Know Him? I am definitely thinking of doing it next year. (1st)

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I like Karen Henley's materials. The downside is they are 52 lessons per year. There is enough per lesson, though, to do it over 2-3 days. I like to do bible daily so I integrate it with GrapeVine studies as well. Grapevine alone might appeal to a lot of people and maybe us when we're older. But I really like the application and ideas with Karen Henley's stuff. Karen Henley's first grade takes you through the old testament and her 2nd grade takes you through the new testament. She's got materials beyond that as well by grade level. Grapevine starts with old testament and then you do new testament so it works well together.

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I have really struggled finding a good Bible curriculum. This past year I used Studying God's World B by CLP. It was a pretty good study of the children's catechism. I bought Studying God's World C for the upcoming year but just wasn't impressed at all, so I ordered used on Amazon for a couple bucks "Suffer Little Children" by Gertrude Hoeksma. I hate the title, but it's supposed to be good solid Reformed Bible curriculum, so I'm going to see what that looks like.

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I have really struggled finding a good Bible curriculum. This past year I used Studying God's World B by CLP. It was a pretty good study of the children's catechism. I bought Studying God's World C for the upcoming year but just wasn't impressed at all, so I ordered used on Amazon for a couple bucks "Suffer Little Children" by Gertrude Hoeksma. I hate the title, but it's supposed to be good solid Reformed Bible curriculum, so I'm going to see what that looks like.


You may like Teaching Minds, Training Hearts ( I think that is it) by Starr Meade. This is good catechism material.

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We are going to use Classical Academic Press's new-ish Bible curriculum for 2nd grade (and a 4yo tagging along). It's called God's Great Covenant. This year we'll use Old Testament, part 1. There is a part 2 for OT as well as the 2 NT books, but I'm not sure if the NT books are available yet.



We're doing this also for 2nd grade. For first grade, I used Marian Schooland's Leading Little Ones to God, which was really good (and low key). I'm really excited about GGC! It is written from a reformed viewpoint, and includes catechism questions in the teacher's guide, by the way.

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We've done a couple of different things.


With my oldest, we used a Bible story book (Egermeier's, but the one done by De Vos is also good). She really enjoyed that.


This year, with my 1st grade twins, we're spending a little time working through a children's devotional book, then we'll move into CLE Bible 1. We have already started Bible 3 with a couple of my older children, and I really like it. I'm looking forward to doing Bible 1 with my twins.





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We're doing this also for 2nd grade. For first grade, I used Marian Schooland's Leading Little Ones to God, which was really good (and low key). I'm really excited about GGC! It is written from a reformed viewpoint, and includes catechism questions in the teacher's guide, by the way.


I own this. If we use it for this year, we may do it orally and repeat lessons since it's meaty.


I would love to find something less wordy and in color with a cute workbook for my girls.


Any suggestions?:001_smile:

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Last year, we used Foundations 1: Preparation for Christ. It was written by a hs-ing mom and it is in chronological order. There are free coloring and other worksheets that you can print off that go with the curriculum. They have worksheets for children of different ages. We used the first worksheets after the coloring pages. My dc weren't as interested in the cross-word puzzles as they were the fill-in-the blank & True/False. My dc loved the coloring pages! Here's the link for the curriculum: http://www.homeschoolingbible.com/ Here's the link for the coloring & activity pages: http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum.htm


We used Leading Little Ones to God during our family devotions the year before we started using Foundations in our home school. The only reason why we're not continuing with the Foundations program is because we switched to VP history and decided to do VP Bible together with history.

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