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Ipod Touch/ kids/ inappropriate apps

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My 10 yo ds has been saving his money for quite a while and I agreed to let him buy an Ipod Touch (has not yet been purchased). However, I just got a Droid, and I realize how many inappropriate apps are available. Some are free and some are for a charge. I wouldn't even like him being exposed to the titles of the "adult" apps when he is just looking through the ones available.


Is there any way to block or remove these? I am thinking that there isn't but it seems many kids have these things.


I really hate to tell him no over this. I say "no" to so many things because they are inappropriate and I really wanted to say "yes" this time. I also realize he can pick up internet on the wi-fi but that isn't bothering me as much as the inappropriate apps.


Any insight or experience with this?




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I hear on this board frequently about inappropriate apps or videos being accessible on their children's ipod touches.


We have had ours for several years now (we have 2) and my kids have never encountered an inappropriate app or an inappropriate video.


I am convinced that unless you are looking for them they are not going to magically appear.


I put videos on for my kids to watch, they upload music from the computer and when we are somewhere with free wi-fi my daughter likes to go on facebook.


That is about exciting as it gets.

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You could be in charge of the downloads by not telling him the iTunes password. My kids have downloaded apps for the iPad but they understand (at least so far) what is appropriate and what is not. Free apps have not caused us grief. Just let him know that you are to be asked permission before anything is downloaded or agreed to.

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Never seen an inappropriate app here. I guess you would have to look for them. He does download free ones himself- we use WiFi- but paid ones need my permission.

There are so many fun and appropriate apps, I wouldnt worry about the inappropriate ones.

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You don't really have to hunt for them. . . if you use the built-in application that searches for the top-25 or 50 free apps or best selling apps they pop up all the time, and believe me, I've never searched for them! Apple did clean them all out a few months ago, but I've noticed recently they are popping up again. My 13 yo just got his own itouch and we haven't figured out how to block them yet so if anyone can help, I'd appreciate.

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You don't really have to hunt for them. . . if you use the built-in application that searches for the top-25 or 50 free apps or best selling apps they pop up all the time, and believe me, I've never searched for them! Apple did clean them all out a few months ago, but I've noticed recently they are popping up again. My 13 yo just got his own itouch and we haven't figured out how to block them yet so if anyone can help, I'd appreciate.


This has been my experience too -- at first I looked in the free lists and at times there have been a lot.


This probably doesn't make sense for your 13 year old, but for the OP's ten year old -- I download apps for my 11 year old, in part because I don't want to have tons of war games on there (I allow some, but prefer to have mostly puzzle or educational apps). So he tells me if there's something he has heard of, but what's on there is what I've downloaded.

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My son does not know the i-tunes password so he has to come to me every time he wants to download an app. Pretty easy to monitor from there.


This makes sense. I have no problem with him having to have me download apps for him. I'm not that familiar with Ipod. I guess you have to go to the itunes store to download and I can have the password for that. I just got a Droid and you download apps from the main touch screen and I was thinking it might be like that.


Thanks. More ideas/ comments welcome!

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Ds14 and I have an agreement (made when we got the touch) that he will check in before downloading anything, even free apps.


There were a lot of inappropriate one when one searches for 'free apps' I'm sorry to say. My ds asked what the karmasutra was the other day.....


Searches for things like 'car racing games' is safer!


If I had a 10 year old we would do it together. We would schedule it if necessary.

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We have had ours for several years now (we have 2) and my kids have never encountered an inappropriate app or an inappropriate video.


I am convinced that unless you are looking for them they are not going to magically appear.


I think that depends on what you think of as inappropriate. If you are looking at the most popular apps, they *are* sometimes inappropriate. There is nothing obscene in the listing or icon, but you can tell what they are. Right now, among the popular listings under entertainment there is a playboy app, a hooters calendar app, a sex positions app, etc. You do have to enter your itunes password in order to download apps, even free ones. I would suggest not giving the password to the kids.

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Our boys have a Touch between them, but we have yet to input our router password, so they have no Internet access at the time. That said, we usually will sit down together on iTunes and search through the various app's by type - different games, educational apps, etc. Then, I upload everything to their Touch from the computer. It may not work for an older kid, but our oldest is only freshly 9 years old and we didn't need/want any of them surfing the web or trying to guess the iTunes password without us knowing.

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