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Has your dc developed any sudden allergies?

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My 10 yr dd ate dinner tonight (it was nothing new), jumped in the shower (again nothing new) and came out with hives and redness all over her face and neck.:001_huh: I gave her an Allegra and all was clear an hour later. She does seem to have a bit of an allergy to cats and wet grass. She will get hives and redness, but she's always had problems with those things. So this would be something new. I'm just curious if allergies can develop later and so suddenly. TIA!

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Yes allergies can develop at any time (including adults) and an allergic reaction can happen up to 2 hours later after ingesting food. What did she eat? I would write it all down and save the labels and see an allergist IMHO. It could be non-food too, but she just ate so I would rule out a food allergy IMHO.



This web site has a lot of info as well as WebMD.com:





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Yes allergies can develop at any time (including adults) and an allergic reaction can happen up to 2 hours later after ingesting food. What did she eat? I would write it all down and save the labels and see an allergist IMHO. It could be non-food too, but she just ate so I would rule out a food allergy IMHO.



This web site has a lot of info as well as WebMD.com:






Thanks for the website. I made lasagna for dinner so the ingredients will be easy to remember. She did have some Trisquit crackers about two hours before and she hasn't had those in a very long time. I can't think of anything non food that could have caused a reaction. We stayed in and played games all day.

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Sure, I developed an allergy to broccoli as an adult. Allergies can appear at any time.


She may have been able to be around any one thing she is allergic to one any one day and only have a mild reaction. BUT, if she happened to have a few things that she is mildly allergic to on any one day, she may have a stronger reaction that ever before.



Definitely log everything she ate in the past 24 hours and anything that she has done (like play outside, cat etc). It can be impossible to remember later what she had.

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My 10 yr dd ate dinner tonight (it was nothing new), jumped in the shower (again nothing new) and came out with hives and redness all over her face and neck.:001_huh: I gave her an Allegra and all was clear an hour later. She does seem to have a bit of an allergy to cats and wet grass. She will get hives and redness, but she's always had problems with those things. So this would be something new. I'm just curious if allergies can develop later and so suddenly. TIA!


Allergies can happen anytime. For example: my niece has ate shrimp all of her life. The last time she ate some (about a month ago), she went into anaphalatic shock. Now she cannot have any shellfish and needs to carry an epipen.


Sometimes a reaction happens not because of any one allergy stressor, but instead it is a series of allergy stressors. For me, I am allergic to many things. When I am exposed to just one or two, I only have mild reactions. But if I am exposed to several at same time or close together, I react severely.

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IN fact, I had to take my oldest son to the ER last week for a sudden allergic reaction to his friend's pet rabbit. He had never reacted to rabbits in the past. I have been told that if your child already has some allergies, it is not at all uncommon for them to suddenly develop a new allergy. You could take her for allergy testing, and that way it would be easier to avoid things that are upsetting her immune system. HTH



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Yes. My dd15's allergies (soy, all melons, kiwi) developed when she was 12. Her ped allergist told me that it is quite common for kids to develop food allergies at puberty. As if body changes aren't enough :lol:

aha! my son (12) has suddenly developed an allergy to fish.

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