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Once a week I want to add in handicrafts with my BOYS.


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Winky Cherry's sewing books are awesome. It's a seven-part series that works them up through hand-sewing to quilt making. She worked very hard to make it gender-neutral and there are photos of boys holding their projects in every book...your mileage may vary on interest level. But I can't say enough good things about the series itself.




I also have read through The American Boy's Handy Book




and a few of the vintage-y Popular Mechanics series




and I am not terribly impressed, on their actual usefulness at the end of the day but they do sound like they might be what you are looking for.

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Just a thought, but for many years my father was into making crocheted rugs. It was interesting to watch him cut the cloth strips, sew them together, and then crochet them into area rugs. My burly, construction-worker father was at home with a crochet hook. ;)


You might want to visit your craft store and look for some Klutz kits. We have enjoyed many of these. I will vouch for the company, too. When we had one kit that was missing two little pom-poms, I called the company phone number and left a message. About three days later, we received a HUGE package of all sorts of pom-poms. Good customer service.

























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I don't have any ideas, but I am really looking for some! My son is not interested any thing like crochet...I wish I could find something for him to make out of wood or leather, but it would have to be super easy. :)



How about this? We're planning to build it this month, we'll see how it goes! :D




Here are some others:









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Lowes and Home Depot also offer workshops on the weekend,,,


Perhaps instead of a bunch of weekly little things - you could pick one bigger project and chip away at it? Something that involves many different skills and that your dc are interested in.


Also, bike maintenance is a great thing to learn.

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You could google "boy scouts crafts". You'd likely get a ton of craft ideas that your boys might enjoy.

:iagree: Searching with Cub Scout would get more age appropriate results for your younger crowd. There are about a bajillion scout resources on the web.


The Boy Scout merit badge books can be bought by anyone, and are loaded with information. Our library has the whole set. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/default.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&C2=BOOKS_LIT&C3=MB_PAMPHLET&C4=&LV=3

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Ds announced that he wants to build a shed/fort on the backyard. :001_huh: He has a design, a plan, and knows what materials he needs and where to get most of them for free.


My point is, ask your ds what he wants to do/build - he may have some ideas already - or give him a week to research and pick something out.


If you are looking for smaller things, you could look up a few of the sites mentioned by PPs and have your ds pick a few things from those.

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Ds announced that he wants to build a shed/fort on the backyard. :001_huh: He has a design, a plan, and knows what materials he needs and where to get most of them for free.


My point is, ask your ds what he wants to do/build - he may have some ideas already - or give him a week to research and pick something out.


If you are looking for smaller things, you could look up a few of the sites mentioned by PPs and have your ds pick a few things from those.


Would he want to share his plan, and where he can get materials for free?

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Soap Carving! It's the prequel (or safe alternative) to whittling and wood carving. Here's a book (we own a copy) that shows how to make all the tools from Popsicle sticks, and provides step-by-step, illustrated and detailed directions for many projects. The recommended soap is plain, white Ivory...very inexpensive.


I promise you'll love it!

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