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50 States


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What are your best resources for memorizing their locations? This is for a third grader.


I am still undecided if it is the best use of our time (when do people do this?...I can not remember) but still interested in whatever you all have found.


Thank you!

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The Animaniacs video



My DD is also really liking the various US states songs on Geography Songs, which groups them by regions. I caught her with her map puzzle, sorting the states as to where they go.


As far as map puzzles go, Target usually has them in the $1 section at this time of year. They also have had nice markable placemat maps and wall maps, too.

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Do you mean just being able to locate them on a map? If so, my daughter and I have a map of the 50 states hanging on the wall, and we like to race each other trying to be the first one to find a particular state on the map. If you play that often enough they will probably begin to learn where they are.


There are also puzzles of the U.S. which they can put together.


And I'm sure there are free online games where you put the states in the right spot on the map and other map games.

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I think it's a book, too, but we only have the card game. Even if you know the states already it's a fun game!


Yes, my 5yo has effortlessly memorized nearly all the states just from reading the Scrambled States books and having a map available on the playroom wall. The books gave the states such vivid characters that they really stick in her mind.

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My boys just naturally picked them up from puzzles and books but by 5th grade my daughter still didn't have them down and needed a more intense approach. When we did US History last year we started with the 13 states from the original colonies and added states westward as her study moved westward. I just printed out blank maps for her to fill in as she needed the repetition.

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We used most of the above mentioned. Hands down, this one got the states and where they are on the map into the long-term memory the best:


The Little Man in the Map:



Amazon Reviews (and cheaper):


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I think it's a book, too, but we only have the card game. Even if you know the states already it's a fun game!


:iagree: Yes there is a book, there is also a puzzle and DVD as well!!! My dd LOVED the scrambled states of America!! Very highly recommended. I went through the states with my dd who was in 2nd this past year and we just went through state by state. Learned its location. Fun and interesting facts. What states bordered the current state. She can tell you 48 of the 50 states! (delaware and connecticut confuse her ;))

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Another online game:




2nd grade ds loved this game. He now knows where every state is on the map. I think it was so much fun for hm b/c he would play it and then later I'd sneak in and play the game and do just a little better than he did. So I'd tease him a little and he would want to run in and play again to beat me!

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The resources we've used are the free Sheppard Software website (listed a few times). I memorized the entire world's countries with this, but I found if I didn't review it somehow, I would forget quickly too.


Scrambled States of America (only have the game so far, ordering the Book/DVD now)


We also totally love the Geopuzzles, here's the U.S. and Canada Geopuzzle. I love to do the puzzles myself and it's amazing how much I retained after just a few tries.


A lot of these other ideas I have had in my Amazon cart for some time, can't wait to try them!

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