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Weird Question from the Social Worker....

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So we had our home study here in Malaysia today for Natalie's adoption. It was a man and he spoke English fairly well but you could tell it was not his first language because his questions were short, to the point, no social niceties involved, etc.


It was pretty much basic stuff until he asked:


Him: "So what are your future plans for Natalie?"


Me: Ummm...well it is about time for her morning nap.


Him: What will she be as an adult? Her profession?


Me: Uhhh... I suppose she will become whatever she puts her mind to, whatever suits her abilities.


Him: No, I mean her profession, her career. Will she be a doctor? A Lawyer? An Engineer?


At this point I look at dh with wild panic in my eyes and he says:


"Doctor. She will be a doctor." I look at him quizzically. He shrugs as if to say "I hope that was the right answer."


What on earth? She is SIX MONTHS OLD. How on earth am I supposed to know what she is going to be when she grows up?


So I come home and I tell my ahma the story and she says that all the parents here determine what their kids are going to be when they grow up and guide them towards it starting at a very young age.


So apparently I am the one who is behind schedule. Guess I better get thinking about what career I am going to FORCE my child into. What if I would have said "Well, I would like for her to be a SAHM and homeschool her children"? Heaven Forbid. They probably would have snatched her from my arms right then and there. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Heather in NC
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Wow, certainly a different culture and mentality than we're used to. I guess you could always guide and encourage, but not force of course. My parents always said, Aim higher than you would, higher than you dream possible, because even if you miss your target you are still in a good position. Maybe this is partly what they have in mind? In any case, she will be well prepared to deal with much.

Edited by sagira
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But what *kind* of doctor? Does she have surgeon hands, or do you think she's more suited for family medicine?


I'm sorry you were unexpectedly put on the spot like that, but think about how funny it will be when she's older and you tell her she *has* to go to medical school! ;)

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Very common in parts of Asian culture. I think they want to make sure that you are going to guarantee her a sustainable future (something that is truthfully unrealistic). I know that it is that way in various other cultures as well. Some will expect that the child become a cabinet maker or farmer, simply because that is what the family business is. Some will expect that one child become a lawyer or doctor...simply because they expect what they consider the highest of their children. It is seen as a way of ensuring both that child's future and the future of the family.

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But what *kind* of doctor? Does she have surgeon hands, or do you think she's more suited for family medicine?




I heard her experience lies in obstetrics so far, she had a 9 month internship.:smilielol5:

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do you have her husband picked out? At what age will she marry?



I think it's cute how your husband handled it. :001_smile:


She should marry a lawyer, like the Huxtables in reverse. :D


You could cruise the baby swings at the park with her and ask parents until you find a cute baby boy who will be a lawyer. ;)

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I hate to say it, but as an American couple, your husband was probably expected to have chosen one of the professions that the social worker proffered (which is probably why he said those three). I know, I know - total stereotype - but I'm betting that the social worker assumed that you would have the resources to offer such things to her.


Eh. That probably came out all wrong.




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