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Another Request for Prayers.....

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Many know and are praying for my dh who has been searching for another job since January.


Friday his current area manager called and said he is coming in on Monday - tomorrow. DH thinks they will be letting go most of his crew, including him.:crying:


Please pray for us, and these dear families.


DH has been looking but we do not have another offer yet. We have major stress in our lives right now (not that there is a good time to be downsized and lose your job) - my FIL is dying of cancer, our oldest dd just transferred to a university in Hawaii for her final two years of college, we have another dd in college and my dh has unbelievable stress at his current job, which he manages but is not happy with. Losing this job right now would be so difficult on us.


Please pray they do not let him, or anyone, go right now. Please pray for God to open the doors we are supposed to go through and to lead us to the job we are supposed to be at.



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