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Wild Things:The Art of Nurturing Boys

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... as I sit here with nerf darts whizzing past my head because I am inadvertently in the middle of the 4 boys daily lunch hour nerf war.



Sounds like my house this morning, but I only have one. Doodle would love to have some company!

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Just ordered from the library as I sit here with nerf darts whizzing past my head because I am inadvertently in the middle of the 4 boys daily lunch hour nerf war.




I asked the boys yesterday if they want to go camping to the same campground or a new one. It has bunkers and it's an old military base. My 13 year old. The one who is bigger than me. The one who is always talking about how he is going to live his life. The one who gets upset with us and tells us, "I'm almost a man." He said, "can we take our nerf guns and have a war in the bunkers?"

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Boys sure are different, aren't they? Maybe if I'd grown up with any brothers, I'd be less surprised about boys. As it is, it was my mother, my sister and me. There was rarely a "man of the house" around. My boys never cease to boggle my mind.

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Boys sure are different, aren't they?



Boys are great.


Mine are exhausting and no fun to go shoe shopping with (you're gonna try on another pair?!) but I'm sooo grateful for my three boys.


Thanks for the book recommendation.

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Boys are great.


Mine are exhausting and no fun to go shoe shopping with (you're gonna try on another pair?!) but I'm sooo grateful for my three boys.


Thanks for the book recommendation.


Mine are no fun to take on any kind of shopping trip. "Didn't you just look at clothes at the last three stores?" "Awww, man! More books?!?" I love them, but wowsers! They're different.

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Would this be a good read for a husband, as well? Or is it directed at moms?



I think it would be great for a Daddy to read. I don't know if they have audio. But, I usually get my husband audio books of things I've enjoyed. I load them on his i-pod when he isn't looking:tongue_smilie:

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