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Craigslist post.....Joke?

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DD3 is 45 lbs and wears a size 5 or 6. I would like a light weight stroller for things like the zoo, but don't know if there are any available that are worth buying for her height/size. I don't really want to spend over $100 since I know we won't use it much, but when we do, it will be much appreciated. If there is one that you have had, and loved that was more $$ maybe I can find it used on Craigslist.....


Any suggestions?

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DD3 is 45 lbs and wears a size 5 or 6. I would like a light weight stroller for things like the zoo, but don't know if there are any available that are worth buying for her height/size. I don't really want to spend over $100 since I know we won't use it much, but when we do, it will be much appreciated. If there is one that you have had, and loved that was more $$ maybe I can find it used on Craigslist.....


Any suggestions?


At that age, I just went with the little, cheap umbrella strollers that you can pick up anywhere. They tend to be in and out of them so much that I didn't worry about how horrid they seemed. It just gave a place for the db to be off their feet for a bit. I didn't worry about destroying the stroller either because it just didn't cost enough to worry about.

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That is pretty funny!!!:)


As for the real question, my 6 year old (who is just 38 pounds!!!) likes to ride in the umbrella stroller whenever I'll let her (which is practically never). It's definitely heavier when she's in it, and harder to push, but I'm pretty weak:) Maybe a slightly sturdier umbrella stroller upgrade would work - you know, the nicer ones that are $40-50 instead of the cheapo ones. Do you have a Babies R Us nearby where you could try some out?

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If some folks give you grief for leashing a kid, can you imagine their horror at having them in a "circus cage?"



HA! That's funny!


I don't know -- I think it's real...but a joke if you know what I mean. Like some Dad made it to make people laugh. Anyone have the guts to call??

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Re: the actual stroller question...


I don't have a suggestion on totally lightweight, easy to maneuver anywhere... but I have a bike trailer. It has a jogging stroller attachment, and that's what I use. I wouldn't say anything, except that I was pushing my toddler AND a 6yo in there at the zoo without so much as an "oof, you guys are heavy!" So, while it's not the most practical thing ever, it has been a fabulous thing for us - and will hold two kids no problem, so if that's ever a 'thing'... Yeah.


Okay, !ramble.

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There are some crazies on craigslist LOL!!!


I have a 3 and 6 year old. My kids love riding in strollers (my 6 year old will still ride in one whenever we allow her to, for as long as we will allow her to). We have a Maclaren Quest. It will hold up to 55 pounds and reclines well enough for napping. Not to mention, it pushes really smoothly, even with my 6 year old in it.


But we also still have our Phil and Teds Sport Buggy double stroller. Both kids still ride in it - ALOT.

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