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Classiquest Science


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  • 5 months later...
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The author of Chemistry 1 (Blair Lee) is writing Biology 2 for Pandia Press (according to her postings on the yahoo group). Classiquest is by Angela DuBois, so as far as I know, there's no connection. Maybe someone else has some information that I don't though?


Has there been any news about when RSO Biology for Logic will be ready?

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Has there been any news about when RSO Biology for Logic will be ready?


The last time she posted on the yahoo group was 10/30/10, and she said that she was almost done with the 5th of 7 units. She felt that the beginning of the next school year was doable at that point, but I haven't heard anything else since.

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The last time she posted on the yahoo group was 10/30/10, and she said that she was almost done with the 5th of 7 units. She felt that the beginning of the next school year was doable at that point, but I haven't heard anything else since.


I will hold off buying anything until I have to, then. I want RSO! :D

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I will hold off buying anything until I have to, then. I want RSO! :D


Ah, come on. Someone has to be the guinea pig for Classiquest! ;)


I hear though. I loved RSO. I wish now I had gotten RSO Chem to do now. I didn't because ds did a lot of it in his science co-op class. So, I went with Elemental instead. He is not enjoying it at all. He dreads science now. I'm wondering if I should sell it and go ahead and get RSO.

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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(Babbling to bump.)


I am an RSO lover too. I looked at this for logic stage, but I am still hoping to see RSO logic-stagged Biology released.


I have decided to go with Classiquest if RSO does not miraculously appear for sale. :D


I will add some secular reading- Prentice Hall, Science Explorers - to the mix, but overall I am pleased with the layout and content and its close similarity to RSO.


We will use HO, Ancients Level II, for history.


Let me know if anyone hears more on RSO release dates.

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  • 8 months later...
My DS10 has finished 4 weeks of it so far and I think it's going very well! He just did his first microscope lab last week and enjoyed it.


I might be able to report more about it later as he finishes more lessons...


Thank you very much! Do you find it to be very...piecemeal? Like..."open this books, read this, open that book read this, write a paragraph on this, define this"? Or does it flow better when done in real life?

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We it last year. Keep in mind that our family comes from more of a Charlotte Mason style of learning and we did not have a strong science background before beginning this curriculum.


My boys really disliked reading only encyclopedias for their information. There were times that after reading the various encyclopedias the topic was not clear enough in their mind to write a few paragraphs on it. Meiosis and mitosis come to mind. I ended up needing to supplement with additional books or You Tube videos to illustrate concepts at times.


The other challenge was that you didn't always know whether or not your experiment turned out correctly. I remember one microscope experiment where I spent at least an hour on the web trying to figure out if we had found what we were supposed to. This happened a couple of times during the first few weeks.


Then we spent several weeks working with the Janice Van Cleave book and that was great! But once we went back to the experiments developed by the author, things got a bit murky again for us. We set CQ aside at the end of the year after completing about half the book.


This year we're using Apologia which turned out to be a much better fit for our family.

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Thank you very much! Do you find it to be very...piecemeal? Like..."open this books, read this, open that book read this, write a paragraph on this, define this"? Or does it flow better when done in real life?


Well, we're still tweaking the way we do it. My son does the reading/research, definitions, science history, and memory work by himself one day then the labwork and report a second day. (Or something like that, it's changed as we figure out the best way to do it.) I definitely help him with the labs. It took him a couple of weeks to get good at finding definitions and dates in the encyclopedias but he's gotten the hang of it now.


My opinion is that it works very well for more independent study. Also, he and I are "check-list" kind of people so we love that aspect of it! I just love seeing the little boxes to check off, lol. If I wanted to teach it to him every week I'm not sure I would like it as much.


Hope that helps a little!

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We're doing Lesson 18 this week, and we started last spring.


We do the experiments each week with a friend, and the kids love collaborating on the projects and experiments. They've seriously improved their lab reports. We've skipped a couple of experiments (from both books) that were lame. We had trouble with one of the plant labs, but we've attributed that to more of a problem with the slides. (Monocot and dicot comparison. We would have been much better off with individual slides and multiple examples instead of the slide we had)


I've actually switched from using the books suggested to doing research on the internet. My dd looks up each of the topics listed in the reading. Her friend uses the recommended books. I really wish that there would be one science encyclopedia that did a good coverage of the topics, but we haven't found one yet.


So, we are basically enjoying Biology and the structure gives us lots of liberty to do more or less detail whenever we want. I do recommend it with reservations, but if you are looking for a non-textbook science with coordinated history and memory included, then this is the best I've seen.


I do strongly recommend Ellen McHenry's The Brain. My dd is doing this on her own, and loves it.

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