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the joys of country living

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Last night I was very tired and fell asleep by 11:30, which is EARLY for me. At 12:30 my greyhound was barking uncontrollably. I assumed he heard thunder or fireworks, both of which spook him. I came downstairs and my oldest ds told me the neighbor's horses were in our yard. I go out and yes, two HUGE percherons were grazing on the lawn. :D We called the not so nice neighbors at 12:30 to come get their horses, and then went back to bed.


About half an hour later dh gets up and I ask, "What are you doing?" He says, "I swear I heard cows outside." I assume he's dreaming, will check it out and then come back to bed. He never came back so I go back downstairs and he tells me he just chased them up our driveway. :lol: We called same neighbors and asked, "Do you have cows? Three just took a left out of our driveway."


Oh, and last year a woman about half a mile away called me and asked, "Do you have llamas?" When I told her yes she said, "I tried to get them. I put some dog food in a bowl but they aren't interested in it." :lol: How did I get four llamas home? I drove the 4-wheeler down with a bucket of grain, had them all sniff it, and they all followed me home.


Our not so nice neighbor, the one with the horses and cows, called last year, "Your pigs rooted up all our sod." Of course, their sod is their weedy pasture that even their horses won't eat, but we DID fix it. It was our responsibility.


Dh just came down later than usual (he's tired you know, herding up animals all night is not easy!) and asked, "Anything new in the yard today? Dinosaurs?"



I love country life!!! :thumbup:

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I distinctly remember waking up to mooing at least once during my childhood. There was en entire herd of cattle in the yard.


I live about 3 miles from there right now and we have had an escaped pony come to visit (from across the highway!!) but that's about it.

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Last night I was very tired and fell asleep by 11:30, which is EARLY for me. At 12:30 my greyhound was barking uncontrollably. I assumed he heard thunder or fireworks, both of which spook him. I came downstairs and my oldest ds told me the neighbor's horses were in our yard. I go out and yes, two HUGE percherons were grazing on the lawn. :D We called the not so nice neighbors at 12:30 to come get their horses, and then went back to bed.


About half an hour later dh gets up and I ask, "What are you doing?" He says, "I swear I heard cows outside." I assume he's dreaming, will check it out and then come back to bed. He never came back so I go back downstairs and he tells me he just chased them up our driveway. :lol: We called same neighbors and asked, "Do you have cows? Three just took a left out of our driveway."


Oh, and last year a woman about half a mile away called me and asked, "Do you have llamas?" When I told her yes she said, "I tried to get them. I put some dog food in a bowl but they aren't interested in it." :lol: How did I get four llamas home? I drove the 4-wheeler down with a bucket of grain, had them all sniff it, and they all followed me home.


Our not so nice neighbor, the one with the horses and cows, called last year, "Your pigs rooted up all our sod." Of course, their sod is their weedy pasture that even their horses won't eat, but we DID fix it. It was our responsibility.


Dh just came down later than usual (he's tired you know, herding up animals all night is not easy!) and asked, "Anything new in the yard today? Dinosaurs?"



I love country life!!! :thumbup:


OMH! We walked around Old Town Alexandria yesterday looking at 150 year old townhomes wondering about trading in suburbia for city life.


Dinosaurs..............Cows.................and Llamas, OH MY!:lol::lol:

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That is funny. You had an interesting night. You couldn't have that much fun in the city!


We came home one afternoon to a 1000 lb. bull (aggressive, I might add), standing at our back door like he was waiting to come inside. He ended up eating the corn that was just coming up in our garden, and pushing over one of our pine trees. He almost got his head stuck in our tire swing. :001_smile:


It took about six hours of fun to find out who he belonged to, loaded up, and on his way home.


I love the country. :001_smile:

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I'm a country girl too. My fav story is the time I went to share Thanksgiving with my fiance's (now DH) family. I was setting the table in front of the big bay window...my fil was outside getting some firewood. Out of nowhere a goat come charging and butted him in his rear as he bent over to pick up the wood. :lol: Of course he got up and spotted me in the window - I had to act like I hadn't seen anything! It was just too funny.

Love the country!

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Our joy of country living was noisy last night too. The Pyrs got out, chasing the bear out of the sheep. I'll be glad when the bears move up a bit higher in the hills. Of course, about that time, the coyote pups mature and we will have double their numbers. Haven't seen the lion for a bit, at least!


This post reminded me of country fun my dh had about 3 days ago. He was taking his early morning walk around the property, when a bear ran past him, up the mountain past our kitchen door, and into the woods. I was afraid for a couple of days to let my youngest explore the woods. What does one do when they run into a bear? I guess I need to find out so I can tell my dc.

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What a night! How crazy.


My favorite story from living in the country happened in the middle of winter. We woke up on Christmas morning, and when DH went outside to put some gifts in the back of his truck, he found "reindeer poop" on the driveway. The kids were ecstatic to know that Cupid (they always feed one of the 'other' reindeer because they feel bad that Rudolph gets all the attention) had left them a "present."


Turns out the neighbors had decided to try to keep goats. All they have between us and them is a big pole fence, so the goats would hop between the poles all the time. They only lasted a few weeks before the neighbors decided that maybe goats weren't the best idea, but the kids never put two and two together (they were 5 and 3 at the time) to work out that the goats were the true source of the poo. Makes a great story!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Last night I was very tired and fell asleep by 11:30, which is EARLY for me. At 12:30 my greyhound was barking uncontrollably. I assumed he heard thunder or fireworks, both of which spook him. I came downstairs and my oldest ds told me the neighbor's horses were in our yard. I go out and yes, two HUGE percherons were grazing on the lawn. :D We called the not so nice neighbors at 12:30 to come get their horses, and then went back to bed.


About half an hour later dh gets up and I ask, "What are you doing?" He says, "I swear I heard cows outside." I assume he's dreaming, will check it out and then come back to bed. He never came back so I go back downstairs and he tells me he just chased them up our driveway. :lol: We called same neighbors and asked, "Do you have cows? Three just took a left out of our driveway."


Oh, and last year a woman about half a mile away called me and asked, "Do you have llamas?" When I told her yes she said, "I tried to get them. I put some dog food in a bowl but they aren't interested in it." :lol: How did I get four llamas home? I drove the 4-wheeler down with a bucket of grain, had them all sniff it, and they all followed me home.


Our not so nice neighbor, the one with the horses and cows, called last year, "Your pigs rooted up all our sod." Of course, their sod is their weedy pasture that even their horses won't eat, but we DID fix it. It was our responsibility.


Dh just came down later than usual (he's tired you know, herding up animals all night is not easy!) and asked, "Anything new in the yard today? Dinosaurs?"



I love country life!!! :thumbup:


We live "in town," a one square mile town in the middle of the country. All we get is wildlife and stray hunting dogs. It is kind of exciting to get hissed at by a possum when you drive into your garage at night, or when that stump outside your window turns into an owl and flies away.

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What a night! How crazy.


My favorite story from living in the country happened in the middle of winter. We woke up on Christmas morning, and when DH went outside to put some gifts in the back of his truck, he found "reindeer poop" on the driveway. The kids were ecstatic to know that Cupid (they always feed one of the 'other' reindeer because they feel bad that Rudolph gets all the attention) had left them a "present."


Turns out the neighbors had decided to try to keep goats. All they have between us and them is a big pole fence, so the goats would hop between the poles all the time. They only lasted a few weeks before the neighbors decided that maybe goats weren't the best idea, but the kids never put two and two together (they were 5 and 3 at the time) to work out that the goats were the true source of the poo. Makes a great story!


That does make a great Christmas story! I have one, too:


I decided that it would be a wonderful idea to get my three kids (at the time), FOUR LLAMAS, TWO POTBELLIES, and TWO HORSES, and TWO DOGS all decked out for a cute photo Christmas card. The llamas and horses got huge red bows on them, the boys dressed in black cowboy outfits, my oldest dd was in a pink cowgirl outfit. WHY I THOUGHT I COULD GET ALL ANIMALS TO LOOK AT THE CAMERA AND ALL KIDS SMILE - AT THE SAME TIME MIND YOU, is beyond me to this day. The animals got a TON of treats that day, the kids were not spoken to very nicely when they didn't smile or keep their eyes open or look at the camera or, or, :ohmy::blush:So of course I had a very stressful day, but I ended up with a CUTE Christmas card, even though one pig was running out of the picture and only a few animals were looking in my direction.


The story comes here........ the llamas eventually got fed up and ran away. Ran away with their HUGE red Christmas bows on them. I'm glad some of the neighbors good a good laugh at our expense. I took pictures of them running through the so called "neighborhood" with their bows. Quite amusing.

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I love country life!!! :thumbup:


You ought to read The Egg and I. I loved how her husband would blast the roving bull with rocksalt, it would roar and retreat, only to come back. The bull belonged to the fence-neglecting Ma and Pa Kettle (the real ones).


I also remember when a friend's half domestic/half wild turkey flock got in the back door. They were perched around the dining room table, each on a chair. She said "shhhhh, if you scare them, they will poop all over". Just then her child came in the room and shouted with glee. Yup. All over.

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I once heard a story about a bagpiper who began playing in a field and an entire herd of cows came at him at a run! :D Guess he stopped playing in a hurry!


It's a well known fact that cows HATE bagpipe music. Didn't anyone ever tell him?? :001_huh:


(Just kidding.)

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You ought to read The Egg and I. I loved how her husband would blast the roving bull with rocksalt, it would roar and retreat, only to come back. The bull belonged to the fence-neglecting Ma and Pa Kettle (the real ones).


I also remember when a friend's half domestic/half wild turkey flock got in the back door. They were perched around the dining room table, each on a chair. She said "shhhhh, if you scare them, they will poop all over". Just then her child came in the room and shouted with glee. Yup. All over.


I have the Egg and I movie, and it was my favorite as a kid! I absolutely MUST buy the book. Thanks!!!


Turkeys? Chairs? :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:

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