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Baby in hospital--what to bring

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Dh's cousin's 6mo baby is in the hospital w/ seizures.


I'm planning to take a casserole, paper plates, forks, some snacks, magazines, books for baby. Anything else you can think of that would be helpful? Anything NOT to take?


Mom thinks she (herself, not baby) might be allergic to wheat, so anything gluten-free that doesn't take too much forethought would be good. I've got rice flour, etc. for dh, so if they're still there in a couple of days, I can make something else.


They only have one other child--I assume her mom's taking care of that one. I think dad's running between work, hospital, home. Hosp is an hr away from home, fwiw.

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We are in the hospital at least once a month. Food is a good idea but be sure she has a way store leftovers. Some hospitals have private refrigerators in their rooms but others share a parent kitchen and the food ends up getting stolen (albeit by hungry people!). Ask her if she has access to a menu and room service. If not, then she won't be able to leave the baby unless someone else is there so she will go hungry if she doesn't have other sources of food.


Change for the vending machines is good, too.


You are a wonderful cousin for doing this for her! I hope the baby gets well soon.

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We are in the hospital at least once a month. Food is a good idea but be sure she has a way store leftovers. Some hospitals have private refrigerators in their rooms but others share a parent kitchen and the food ends up getting stolen (albeit by hungry people!). Ask her if she has access to a menu and room service. If not, then she won't be able to leave the baby unless someone else is there so she will go hungry if she doesn't have other sources of food.


Change for the vending machines is good, too.


You are a wonderful cousin for doing this for her! I hope the baby gets well soon.


Yeah, mil just talked to them--it's a family kitchen, but it sounded like in this case it's ok? Maybe they were just being nice? Anyway, they've been there a couple of days, & they think they'll be leaving in at the end of the week.


They think the baby's meds--steroids--have hardened his heart valves. He's got Down's Syndrome--I'm not sure if that's related.

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Snacks are good.....peanut butter and gluten free crackers (for mom). Does she like magazines or light reading? Bottled water?


I remember a mom saying how much she appreciated having ready made snacks brought to her. Things like Healthy Choice micro meals (the kind that do not need refrigeration) and juice boxes. But, if she is on a gluten free diet, that might not be too easy.

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Snacks are good.....peanut butter and gluten free crackers (for mom). Does she like magazines or light reading? Bottled water?


I remember a mom saying how much she appreciated having ready made snacks brought to her. Things like Healthy Choice micro meals (the kind that do not need refrigeration) and juice boxes. But, if she is on a gluten free diet, that might not be too easy.


Well, the gf thing is weird--I called the hospital just now to double check the room number, etc., & she said there are no food allergies. :confused: So there's more I can send right away...hopefully...dh's aunt just misunderstood...something?

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We were in the hospital a lot when Logan was little and I loved having bottled water, pop, snacks, magazines, books...stuff like that. If they have kids at home and they need to travel back and forth, gas gift cards would also have been nice! Our hospital was 45 minutes away from our house, so lots of driving! If it's not possible to bring food and keep in the room, cash for the cafeteria would be nice. HTH! Praying for your cousin's baby.

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When my baby was in the hospital and I was nursing the hospital kept me very stocked with snacks. They had a nursing mother's snack room and I got the hospital food as well. If she's gluten free snacks are harder and I'd stock up for her if you could. Snacks are better than meals I think unless the hospital isn't feeding her. Since she's nursing I gather I would think they are?


The best things for me anytime any of my kids were in the hospital have been those I trusted sitting with the child so I could take a walk, take a shower, have dinner, etc. I never would leave my kids alone so it was nice to be able to leave the room. Reading materials were always appreciated too.

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Phone cards, roll of quarters, a laptop to borrow, books, magazines, coffee from a special shop (Canadians need their Timmies! :lol:) notebooks, pens, pencils, envelopes, prepay some of the phone/tv bill...


Just some ideas off the top of my head. The phone card in case there's any long distance calls to make, quarters for the vending machine. Laptop if you happen to have one you could spare. Maybe a gc for internet if there is a pay as you go set up there. Big manilla envelopes are great for just keeping track of all the doo dads that seem to accumulate.


Hope the little one is able to go home soon :grouphug:

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My youngest was in the hospital when she was 18 months old. I was soooooo stir crazy!


I would ask her if there is anything that would make her more comfortable - pillow or blanket or something. A laptop. Several books or magazines. Maybe a dvd or 2. I was really exceptionally bored. That sounds awful, bc your child is sick, but, well, yeah, it's pretty boring and isolating.


Change for the vending machines and stuff to drink. I was very parched.


Company is very much appreciated. It's hard to know what a six month old in the hospital would like...... They aren't really into toys at that age, but kids vary so much at that age.

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