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If I try to purchase any used curriculum from you,

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I'd join. I just told myself last night I was only volunteering at the Used Booksale, not buying. I ended up buying:glare:, but they were really good deals :D and things I might need 3 years from now!:lol::lol:

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:lol: Oh, you'll reach a saturation point...or at least that is what I keep telling myself.



Just when you reach that saturation point, you will develop friendships with your very own, special group of enablers on this board...





They are bright, charming, and oh so helpful...and way more dangerous than any "For Sale" forum.




But then, you gotta love 'em anyway.:D

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Oh my it is such a hard addiction to break! I made the 'mistake' of stopping by the bookstore on the way home from the library (there is problem in just even saying that!) and I had a basketful of interesting 'curriculum' books. Somehow, (more like my DH's voice admonishing me in my head) I put all but one back. I saved my receipt for that one because I know DH is going to come home and say, "NO, NO,:toetap05: I already gave you your money for next year and you PROMISED not to buy anything else!":tongue_smilie:


Maybe I will run and hide! :leaving:

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I need to show this to my dh. Of course, he'd probably try to figure out a way to block this site. Or maybe I should. Unfortunately, I didn't get my own paypal acct--I thought it was just easier to use his. Now he gets a daily reminder of my problem.


I'm on my way to Half Price books as we speak. I'm also going to Barnes and Noble, but I'm pretty good at keeping my credit card in my wallet there. But show me a bargain in books, and I'm a goner. At least it's not shoes.



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I spend way to much time looking at curriculum, reading reviews, and looking at swap boards. I also keep requesting catalogs from curriculum companies even though next year's books are bought, paid for, and put away...and I'm 100% happy with our choices. :001_huh: There's got to be something wrong with that. :lol:

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