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Story of the World in 3 Years?

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This September we are beginning our first year of homeschooling. My stepkids are going into 6th, 5th and 3rd Grades. (We also have a 3 year old and 1 year old). We are planning on homeschooling up until high school. My question is this: My oldest only has 3 years until high school. How can I fit the four years of Story of the World into 3? I know it can be done, but what does that look like? Thanks!

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We did this with my 4th and K'er--just did SOTW I and II in one year. We did 2 chapters a week most weeks, and it came out perfectly. They did the activity book and some additional reading, and my 4th grader took the tests. They both seemed to get a lot out of it, and it was still a relatively light history load.


Good luck with the Steps!



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If your oldest has only three years until high school, you might want to consider a history spine that is written for older kids. K12's Human Odyssey series is truly excellent and easily done in three years.


We are using SOTW over 3 years here. In our case we are combining years 3 and 4. I am streamlining it by focusing on the world history aspect and not the American aspect, which could easily take half a year for each book. We will then be doing American separately the next year.

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Thanks for all the suggestions! I didn't realize how many people actually do this. I was contemplating whether I could fast-track the first year or eliminate the American history part (because they get so much of that in public school, at the cost of eliminating almost all world history), but now I am confident that we can do it all :) We also might do some things over the summer, but the oldest isn't so keen on the idea :p

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Sonlight's Core 6 and 7 would be good (They use SoTW, but add in literature and other history books for older kids). You'd even have time for Core 100 before high school if you wanted to do American History in there somewhere.

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