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Do you report only what's required, or what you do?

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Reading the paperwork for our cover school, for 1st grade we need math, reading, and bible. Oh, and attendance. That's it. However, we're doing a lot more than that, and I certainly COULD set up categories on grade reporting for Spanish, World History, Geography, Science (Life Science) penmanship, grammar. Latin, Music, Dance, Art, PE....


Is there any good reason to list more or fewer subjects? I can tell you that if you count only the time we spend doing Math, Reading and Bible, the only way we're going to be anything close to the 180 days, 4 hours a day is if we count every second DD spends reading by herself-but if you count everything I consider school, we probably "school" at least 4 hours a day even on weekends.

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You should only report what is required by law. When people start submitting "extra info" then it starts to get "grey" instead of black and white which very easily can transition into a requirement, aka: more government control. Keep it simple and to the point. no more/no less ;)

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Once you give them more than what is legally required, they will start having expectations that you will continue doing that, even if in the future you decide you don't have time for that and/or don't want to do that.


And they may start expecting other homeschoolers in your area to do it, too.


Always a bad idea, I think, to "over-comply." You don't have to prove anything to them or answer to them for anything more than what the law says you have to.

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Does your cover school require you to count hours? If so, then list what you need to in order to get your hours. If you don't need to worry about hours, then only list what is required.


I keep 2 sets of records: a minimal one for complying with state requirements and a detailed one for my own personal use.

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For grades 9-12 I plan to report everything that counts for credit. So, while a foreign language isn't required to meet state hsing regulations, it will count for a credit on dd's transcript. It will make it easier for me when she begins to apply to colleges. I will have a list of materials used and I won't be trying to remember the title of a book that we used 2 or 3 years before. There are so few people in my school district who hs their high schoolers that I guess I don't feel any obligation at this point to make things easier for someone else. I do need to do what is best for my dd (and me). Things that do not count for credit, like dd's volunteer work will not be reported on her IHIP.

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