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Best carrier for a toddler?

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I loved my Ergo and they really are worth the price! I know you can get one use, but if you can afford it I'd get a new one because you can use them for so long. A backpack is nice to have too though. We used both depending on what was going on. My dh didn't like using the Ergo.

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MT...a toddlerhawk from http://www.babyhawk.com is our go-to toddler carrier. I had an ergo and while it was comfortable, the body on it was too short for my tall boys...when they fell asleep, they felt like they were falling out. The body just seemed really short to me (if I remember right, it came to below their armpits) compared to other carriers out there.

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If he's a long little guy, take a look at the Beco too. I loved the Ergo... until around 20 months, give or take, when ds started arching his back. ugh! We bought a Beco and it's lovely. YOu can still find used non-Butterfly ones around, too, iirc.

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Ergo all the way! I kept my 3yo dd in it until she met the weight limit. I carried her on my back and they have lots of wonderful accessories! Well worth the price, and they resale very easily. I could put her on my back with no help. It is fabulous! I will get a new one for my new dd at about a year. Until then, she is in a Bjorn.

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