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Looking for 8th grade schedules...

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I did a search for 8th grade schedules and can't find any. I know some have to be posted here! Anyone care to share?


The following is what I have so far:


Math-Math-U-See pre-algebra

LA-Rod and Staff grammar, Igniting Your Writing, literature


Geography-Around the World in 180 Days

ScienceChemistry-wish Jeannie Fulbright's book would be ready by fall!

Guitar lessons


Would like to include:

Mapping the World With Art

Finish Music Ace Deluxe


Any comments, thoughts, ideas, critiques would be welcomed.

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Grade 8 will be my last year homeschooling (I think)!


Saxon algebra 1 w/ Art Reed


CLE reading 8

LL&C 8

CPO Life Science w/ Thinkwell Bio videos

SOTW 4 w/ PH America

IEW US History V2 and/or SICC B

Spanish ?? - continue w/ SfC A & another computer program RS or VLS ??

Daily Paragraph Editing or Editor in Chief (have both)

Child's History of Art 1/wk

Bible - ?? have a bunch of resources but not sure

EFTRU cards or Vocabulary for the High School Student (have both, may do both)


Edited by MIch elle
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Here is our proposed schedule for next year:


8-9 M-F Oak Meadow Civics


9-10:30 M-W Oak Meadow 8 Science

Th-F Runkles Geography


10:30-12 M-W MCT Laguage (grammar, vocab, and writing)

Th-F TOG y4 literature and MCT poetry


12-1 M-F Lunch


1-2 M-F Electives at the PS


2-4 M-F After school activities (football, track, chess, engineering)


6-7 M-F Discovering Mathematics 2A+B


7-8 M-Th Second Form Latin

F Latin Quiz and Thinking Toolbox


8-9 M-Th Independent Reading


Civics, science, geography, and ps electives are his choice as well as the after school activities. It seems like a long day to me but he looks at it as having from noon to 6:00, the best part of the day, as his free time. He is doing things that he wants to do during that time. If it were up to me, I would do either civics or geography.

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Math: Via TPS (The Potter's School) Algebra I

Science: Via TPS - Apologia Physical Science

History: History Odyssey Middle Ages

Literature: LL from LOTR, reading list via TWTM

Grammar: AG season 3

Composition: Laurel Tree Tutortials - Intro to Composition

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish & Spanish in 10 Minutes a Day


He'll do geography and drawing once per week, and we'll try to sqeeze in spelling (he needs it) as well.

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we are just finishing 8th this year - so here is what we have done:


math: Saxon 1/2


science: Apologia Physical


history: BF Early American and World Jr high


geography: Around the World in 180 Days


language arts: Spelling Power, Word Roots, Editor in Chief, Queen's LL for Secondary Child vol 2, AG's Literary Essays


music: BF History of Classical plus piano


art: Artistic Pursuits

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Next year, dd 13/8th will do this:


Math: CD Alg 1


Spanish: Spanish 2 (10th grade class) at PS on T, W, F


English: TPS English 1 (+ more vocab & lit)


Logic: TPS Prepositional Logic & Apologetics


US History & Lit: History of US, TTC Early American lectures LL American + a few more novels


Science: Human Anatomy (Bio EL Unit 8, PH Human Body, Thinkwell)


Music: Piano, CYT


Daily Bible reading


Community Service: Sunday school teacher, worship team, Portland Rescue Mission, NW Children's Outreach

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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We are just finishing 8th grade. We did:


Math - Life of Fred Beginning Algebra

Latin - Lingua Latina

Greek - EG I and II

Writing/Grammar - CW Diogenes Chreia (not finished, though)

History - TOG year 3/4

Literature - my own list of lit from Civil War - Modern Times


Through co-op and our own classical studies he also read Antigone, learned some Greek history, read half of the Odyssey ... we watched some Teaching Company lectures for science, and they did science experiments at co-op ... they learned about drama and performed A Christmas Carol and are still working on Much Ado ...


We also did First Lego League (robotics). And we did a teeny tiny bit of Harmony Fine Arts' art/music appreciation program.

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My ds will be an 8th grader next year. My plan so far is...


Pre-Algebra (Teaching Textbook) at co-op

Literature (Bob Jones) at co-op

Beginning Japanese

IEW U.S. History-based Writing

Phonetic Zoo spelling

Winston Grammar

Brimwood Press history, followed by our own world history review using Take Me Back

Bible - Old Testament (hoping to use Christian Schools International text; I ordered it to check it out)

Science and art will be combined in a co-op class; I will supplement at home with Milestones in Science kit



Quick Thinks Math

Math Detective

logic puzzles

Alice computer programming



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8th grade next school year


Saxon Algebra I


R & S Grammar 8 & Editor in Chief


R & S Reading Comprehension & Lightning Lit 8


Wordly Wise & Jensen's Vocabulary


Spanish at coop and Henle Latin


Traditional Logic I


All American History - Vol 2


Physical Sciecne at coop


Extracurricular - Girl Scouts, Piano, Track, NSBE Jr, and Jack & Jill

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Guest Dulcimeramy

In the fall:


Sonlight Core 200

Apologia Physical Science

Saxon Algebra

Traditional Logic I

Write Shop

Rod and Staff Grammar

Henle Latin

Rosetta Stone French


extras: Civil Air Patrol, church teen singing group, folk music club, taekwondo

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For my rising 8th grader:


History - All American History 2; The Teaching Company; supplements (still choosing books and videos)

Science - Apologia Biology with supplements (still working on those); Apologia Marine Biology as a secondary (interest only) class

Math - Finish CD Algebra 1; then ??

Language arts - MCTLA Level 5; with a focus on the writing

Literature - Book club; DS reads a lot so I am not going to plan lots of books but will choose a couple for him to study in depth

Spanish - still deciding

Extras: Philosophy, drums, Boy Scouts (he wants to obtain Eagle by March 2011 so we will focus on leadership and the Eagle project), 4H, small group bible study for teens

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Here's what my 8th grader will be doing:


Math-BJU pre-algebra (online)


Writing-IEW SICC B


Grammar-Cozy Grammar 1


Spelling-Spelling Workout H


Vocab.-Vocab. Cartoons


Typing-Typing Instructor Deluxe


Literature-SL Core 100


Science-Noeo Chem.lll


History-(with everyone)-U.S. using VP cards w/Hakim and Kingfisher


Bible-(with everyone)-VP Act-Rev.cards w/ all the Bible reading/scripture memory using Desiring God's Fighter Versus/catechism using Traing Hearts Teaching Minds


Logic-Fallacy Detective

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Grade 8 will be my last year homeschooling (I think)!


Saxon algebra 1 w/ Art Reed


CLE reading 8

LL&C 8

CPO Life Science w/ Thinkwell Bio videos

SOTW 4 w/ PH America

IEW US History V2 and/or SICC B

Spanish ?? - continue w/ SfC A & another computer program RS or VLS ??

Daily Paragraph Editing or Editor in Chief (have both)

Child's History of Art 1/wk

Bible - ?? have a bunch of resources but not sure

EFTRU cards or Vocabulary for the High School Student (have both, may do both)



In some board searching yesterday regarding history curricula, I ran across your thread from last summer where you were deciding between TOG2 and BJU! :001_smile:


What is PH America?

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My 8th grader is doing:


Math: Life of Fred Algebra I and Chalkdust Elementary Algebra (depending on her mood)

Language Arts: IEW/Easy Grammar

History:Shakespeare Conquest and Keys of Liberty (TJEd classes)

Science: Marine Biology class

She also volunteers at Fort Nisqually

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I always enjoy these threads. I think I posted 8th grade plans once before, but we have now quite drastically changed our plans. For now, we're planning on:


RCA Humanities I


RCA Latin 2 Henle


OSU German 1


Algebra or Geometry depending on how the AoPS Intro to Algebra class goes this summer (don't know what we've gotten her into yet!) and we'll either have her taking math with RCA or continue with AoPS. RCA uses Lial's for Algebra and they have a Euclidean Geometry course that looks very good.


Considering 3 science options: RCA Physical Science, Apologia Biology on her own or with Virtual Homeschool Group, or Biology with a local co-op if it fits with our schedule.


Vocabulary for the College Bound Student and SAT Question of the Day


Draw Squad if we can get around to it.


Extracurriculars: Swim team in the summer, piano and dance year round (we are probably going to have to stop violin as it is just too much with the demands of her dance classes).


I'm not sure how this much online coursework will be for her. This year, she's loved her online classes, and I feel like it's been a good thing for her. But we'll just have to take a wait and see approach with it.

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Our most basic plan thus far:

Math~ Chalk Dust Algebra (last 3 chapters) then onto Chalk Dust Geometry

Language Arts~Vocabulary-Magic Lens/ Royal Fireworks Press

Lightning Literature (LL) Gr. 8 then onto 9th grade selections


Writing-my program

Science~Continue on with conceptual Physical Science Explorations, Hewitt

History~Continue reading K12 series Human Odyssey, vol.2 & 3

Continue Physical World Geography

I would also like to read some "political" novels in addition to LL 8

and do a unit government/civics/philosophy and economics.


Extras~ Cambridge Latin





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In some board searching yesterday regarding history curricula, I ran across your thread from last summer where you were deciding between TOG2 and BJU! :001_smile:


What is PH America?


That wasn't ME! I looked at TOG years ago and decided that it wasn't for us.


Prentice Hall America - Calvert School uses it for grade 8. Not that we use Calvert School, but I do like many of their materials (as with SL and others too, lol).

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That wasn't ME! I looked at TOG years ago and decided that it wasn't for us.


Prentice Hall America - Calvert School uses it for grade 8. Not that we use Calvert School, but I do like many of their materials (as with SL and others too, lol).



Oops! You're right! Sorry for the confusion! I'm looking at 8th grade Modern history texts and will take a look at PH. Thanks!

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