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How many hours of sleep to you get?

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I am woefully tired these days and I'm trying to figure out if I'm just in need of more sleep as I get older ;) or if it's something else! I am in bed around 11pm and up around 7am. I would like to get up more like 5:30, but can't imagine getting to bed right after 9. How do you early risers do it? Thanks.

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figuring that out would require math (adding up all those little groups of minutes) that I'm too SLEEP DEPRIVED TO DO RIGHT NOW!




Probably 4-6 lately. Not in a solid block.


When ds wasn't having sleep troubles, I went to bed around 11-12 and got up between 6-7. My goal is to be in bed at 11 and up at 5:45. Just as soon as he starts sleeping again...

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sleep, then something may be preventing it from being restful, like sleep apnea.

Or - maybe you are low in iron.


Or - maybe you are just getting old :D


I suspect it is one of the former, actually.


JFS - about 7 hours but not solid sleep. I crash between 9 - 10ish and, after waking at least twice during the night, am up at 5:50.

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I am woefully tired these days and I'm trying to figure out if I'm just in need of more sleep as I get older ;) or if it's something else! I am in bed around 11pm and up around 7am. I would like to get up more like 5:30, but can't imagine getting to bed right after 9. How do you early risers do it? Thanks.



Of course it could be that you need more sleep but I would ask your Dr. to have the lab run a TSH, just to check your thyroid. It's better to find out right away then let it get away from you. :001_smile:

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Barring complications from insomnia, I try to be in bed asleep by 10, so I can get up at 6 or 6:30 without being tired still.


I am woefully tired these days and I'm trying to figure out if I'm just in need of more sleep as I get older ;) or if it's something else! I am in bed around 11pm and up around 7am. I would like to get up more like 5:30, but can't imagine getting to bed right after 9. How do you early risers do it? Thanks.
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Are you exercising? I know for me exercising leads to better, more refreshing sleep. I am not exercising regularly right now, and even though I am getting my usual 8-9 hours, I am not waking refreshed as I did when I was exercising. I believe we actually need *less* sleep as we age.

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I just had a physical 6 mo. ago and thyroid was fine then, but I will be back in 6 mo. to check it. My guess is that the sleep is not restful. I do exercise - 3 times a week plus walks/ bikes with children. I think I might just be stressed out! There is always more to do than I can seem to get done. I used to be able to stay up really late (like 4am) and get caught up. That is impossible now - I just don't recover easily from that.


Thanks for your responses, though. It is helpful to see that most of you get 7-8 hours of sleep.

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not normal for me. I was at a hs meeting which always means it takes me a while to wind down afterward and I didn't leave until 11:30pm so it took until 1am to be ready for sleep. I'm usually in bed by 11pm if I'm not in a good book. I'm up everyday by 7:30am. I've always needed about 9 hours to feel rested but have made a pact with myself that regardless of how late I go to bed, I'm up at 7:30am. It gets easier the more I do it.

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I go to bed around 10:30-11pm and am up by 7am (except the days I work which is twice a week and I have to be up at 5:45am). I do tend to wake a lot at night for no good reason except that I am a very light sleeper and often have difficulty falling back to sleep. I try to exercise during the day and it helps if I do.

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I am woefully tired these days and I'm trying to figure out if I'm just in need of more sleep as I get older ;) or if it's something else! I am in bed around 11pm and up around 7am. I would like to get up more like 5:30, but can't imagine getting to bed right after 9. How do you early risers do it? Thanks.


Do you live in a northern climate? Is it cloudy often? Are you also dark complexioned? I was recently experiencing low energy, dragging my behind, very drowsy, etc. At my annual exam, I brought it up to MD, fully expecting to hear something dreadful OR the just eat, exercise & sleep better routine. Instead she tested me for vit D! Apparently in my area (northern) this is very common (MD claimed 75% of her patients were low or dangerously low since she started testing) during the winter, especially if you do not drink much milk. When I got my lab report back there was a prescription w/it for vit D in a mega dose dosage. I called to ask about it and she explained I was running on fumes. Since the first pill, literally, I feel 10x better.


I've always needed & have been able to sleep a straight 8 hours, with few exceptions, I prefer to get up early too but had trouble this winter.


Hope this helps (which it won't if you live somewhere sunny yr)... it sucks to not have energy--

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