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Major cleaning...how do you schedule it?

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i have some pretty major cleaning projects I need to tackle, mainly things like a few closets that need a major overhaul, sorting the toyboxes, etc. How do you schedule these projects? I have smaller kids and it seems like there is never time to get from start to finish on these things. If I stop for more than 30 minutes, the piles get all jumbled and it feels like a waste of time.



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For major toy overhauls, I've used my parents to watch the boys. After bedtime has also worked. I clean/purge/organize as needed and often so that it's not such a daunting task. However, some major jobs can't be avoided. I try to do a room a weekend until they are all done. Or sometimes, I tackle one type of project like all the closets (mostly clothes in our home) in an afternoon.


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Not easy, I know. But if you could have a day a month where Dad commits to taking them all where ever they have to go - soccer games, errands, the park and have a specific time when they can come home, then you have the day to yourself and also have a deadline. I can do major projects better if I have a deadline. If DH were coming home with seven kids at 3:00 and that would be the end of my cleaning time, I could lick that closet.

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I take it in small hunks. Pick a room that needs it the worst, start in one spot and work several minutes if I can't devote a lot of time to it. I'm always surprised what I can get done in 30 minutes if I put my mind to it.

I start at one end and work to the other doing a different room each day. The girls room one day. The boys room, bath and hallway the next. Living room, then the kitchen and dining room the next day. My bed and bath last.

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I try to have some time on the first Friday of each month to tackle a house project. But that's easier said than done! Big projects require big chunks of time, so I'll try to delegate different parts of the job to different "helpers" and give them the "big picture"----a vision for the project. Sometimes offering a motivating reward helps them get into the swing of things....which in turn helps me get more into it and gets the ball rolling!

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How about using some tips from Flylady?



This site is more about doing a little every day than than tackling a huge job, but you might find some help there anyway.


:iagree:Great site! There is even info for people with small kids and many other family dynamics. I am still a "flybaby" but am making progress everyday :-)



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I take one closet at a time and go through everything in there. This usually takes a whole day, and I have the kids join in. I try to stick to one project a week or maybe two weeks (depending on how hard it is). If I cycle through all of the closets, toys, pantry and so on, then everything gets cleaned out twice a year.

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This is such a huge job I am just really overwhelmed by it. I know I will feel so much better when it's done but getting started...ugh.


This is the time when I don't like having huge closets in my house. I end up stuffing things that I should properly dispose of.

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Although this may not be very helpful, I will share my method:


Walk past affected area multiple times a day, each time making sure to feel more overwhelmed and disgusted with yourself for letting things get this bad. Tentatively pull a few piles out/move a few boxes to "assess" the problem. Walk away. Return the following morning. Repeat. Eventually you will have moved enough piles/boxes that you reach your personal event horizon and you now MUST take care of this mess or you will actually implode in anxiety. So, dig in. Say "I'll just do this one bit." Continue. Yell at your oldest to please feed the baby some cheerios and keep her in the living room/bedroom/other adjacent area. Four hours later, the screaming and bickering will finally pierce your concentration. Yell "Please just give Mommy a few more minutes!" An hour later you will finally finish. You will gaze in glory at your beautiful closet/pantry/etc. You will walk into the living room/bedroom/other adjacent area to find the kids looking guilty and realize that you now have four more hours of work to even begin to clean up the mess they made...



Well, I never said it was perfect, I just said it was mine...

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Although this may not be very helpful, I will share my method:


Walk past affected area multiple times a day, each time making sure to feel more overwhelmed and disgusted with yourself for letting things get this bad. Tentatively pull a few piles out/move a few boxes to "assess" the problem. Walk away. Return the following morning. Repeat. Eventually you will have moved enough piles/boxes that you reach your personal event horizon and you now MUST take care of this mess or you will actually implode in anxiety. So, dig in. Say "I'll just do this one bit." Continue. Yell at your oldest to please feed the baby some cheerios and keep her in the living room/bedroom/other adjacent area. Four hours later, the screaming and bickering will finally pierce your concentration. Yell "Please just give Mommy a few more minutes!" An hour later you will finally finish. You will gaze in glory at your beautiful closet/pantry/etc. You will walk into the living room/bedroom/other adjacent area to find the kids looking guilty and realize that you now have four more hours of work to even begin to clean up the mess they made...



Well, I never said it was perfect, I just said it was mine...


Ok, this method, I am pretty sure I can do!


Actually I just got in the closet and sorted all the shelves and clothing. (I found baby girl clothes hanging in there and my baby girl is FIVE!)


After lunch I may go in there and sort the massive boxes of shoes that are a jumbled heap in the floor of the closet. Either that or Baby Boy will take a nap and then I won't be able to work in there since it is HIS room. In that case, I may lay on the couch and read a good book. I need to reward myself...I cleaned half a closet



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