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Gave Up Soda 6 Days Ago- STILL getting Headaches?

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It's been 6 full days that I have been caffeine free. Mnt Dew was my drug of choice. 2-3 a day. I'll been clean for 6 full days. I am still getting HORRIBLE headaches. It's been every day except yesterday when I was fine. Today's headache is truly the worst yet. I am not normally a headache prone person. So far ibuprofen has been treating them but it's not working today. So could this still be sugar/caffeine withdraw or might something else be going on.


I AM drinking A TON of water, so I know it's not dehydration.



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When I gave up coffee, I had headaches for a full week and they did get worse at the end--you are probably nearing the light at the end of the tunnel, although it may yet be a few more days.


Good for you by the way. Caffeine is tough to kick. :grouphug:

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Usually it's only a couple of days but I've known people who it took longer. My neighbor, and good friend, was so miserable and grouchy I told him to go back on coffee and spare us. :D Caffeine ups and downs can cause miserable headaches. If you are too miserable you could drink a little caffeine and wean yourself off of it over the next week or so. I'm sorry you feel so bad. I hate headaches.

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I gave up caffeine & sugar for Lent last year and have never returned. It was hard for me as well, and the headaches were awful. It took about a week or so to detox from it all. It will get better. I promise. Hang in there!!




ETA - if you really hurt, you could take an excedrin (it has caffeine in it) and it could help with the weaning process. even ibuprofen would be better than a splitting migraine. just a thought. it will eventually stop though! promise.

Edited by susankenny
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You also may be drinking too much water.


If you drink too much, you can make yourself hyponatremic, which means having more water than sodium in your blood. This will cause a wicked headache.


A relatively easy guide for "am I drinking too much water?" is to look at your pee - it should be at least a pale (but noticeable) yellow. If you can't tell it from the potty water, you have too much water coming in.






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Since you were drinking 2-3 Mountain Dews a day, I would think the withdrawal period would be on the longer side in your case (since Mountain Dew is so incredibly high in caffeine).


I would second the previous posters who said (1) give it more time and (2) if it gets too tough, maybe go on more of a "weaning" program (along the lines of drinking half regular/half decaf and gradually increasing the decaf in your mix until you're completely off caffeine).


Good luck! :)

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This happened to me last fall. First off, I did have a can of soda to see if it was really the caffiene and not something else. It kicked the headache within 20 minutes so at least I knew what I was dealing with. I decided to wean off using half cans--it was far easier on me that way.

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It took me a few months to get completely back to normal after quitting my 5-6 Cokes a day habit. I had horrible headaches and flu-like symptoms for a full two weeks. Hang in there! You've come this far, and it is SOOO worth it!


:iagree: This was my experience, too. My symptoms were headaches, weakness, and leg pains for two weeks. It was awful, but it did go away. Good luck!

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