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My testimony to walking in the will of God

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I asked my children yesterday what they thought was my most important wish for them. I got several anwers (homeschooling, happiness, to not steal candy --4yr old there). I said that the one real wish was for them to walk in the will of God. If you walk in the will of God, He will give you the tools to perform the task He has asked of you. I don't know why God want me to HS. He just does.

We are broke. Nothing new here. We do alright with groceries and the children are clothed. (the house payment has been 30 days late for 2 years-but we manage to not get further behind and the Lord always seems to make the $ happen every month). I work for DH sometimes when he really needs it (we DESPERATELY need a good employee but I think God is teaching DH something here--I try not to interfere). The $$ for HS is a worry, but also with a sense of calm.

Last week I had 4 things that were stressing me about HS. I needed a microscope (to sort of help in the decision of curric-as to do a more bookish science or a more experimental) I needed a history book (Kingfisher). I didn't know HOW to do a LOI. I didn't know how to do Colo testing.

Last week I went on line and found a college student selling his microscope (that he used one semester) for 30.00, I met another HS mom who was selling the Kingfisher book cheap AND she lives in my neighborhood and she helped with the LOI and the testing services.

Wow. Thank you God!! (of course I spent all my $$ on her other books as well)


Alright---yesterday. I've been trying to think of how to make our classroom better. It fit the two children, but I'm adding two more next year. I spent WAY too much time yesterday thinking and measuring-I needed to do school but I just couldn't stop. I finally decided to move the couches and TV into the school room and the living room would be the classroom next year. (we really need to reduce the Tv importance). I finally said "who cares about what the house looks llike to others--this works for us". I played around with what I wanted for a classroom. Once again I couldn't stop. Finally I decided on an L shape for the children with me facing them to complete a triangle with my desk. I didn't really like it with my current tables but it worked!!! I had a couch for reading time,a space for the "science area" (but it was sort of in the way) and I could see each child and still be able to do my own work at my desk.

I needed chairs. It was 4:00. I went on line to look for cheap chairs. After a few minutes I went to craigs list and found this



plus a rolling steel cart that closes up (for science)


all this is free and being held for me. I started looking a 4:15, they posted at 4:08. They closed for the weekend at 5:00- there is NO WAY Icould get there before Moday. If I'd looked sooner they wouldn't have been there. I they'd posted sooner someone else would have gotten it.



Walking in the will of God.



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Amazing. He is good, all the time, everywhere.


Can I share what He's done for my family too? I've been sick and hospitalized several times this year. We were doing so well with the debt, and now we have all these medical bills to pay. I didn't know how I was going to pay for curriculum, and I was looking at a summer where we'd all be housebound, sitting in front of the TV, like we've been doing all winter. In the last week, a local Bible camp offered my oldest a fully paid, 2 week scholarship, my mother paid for her to go to a camp with her friend's church, and, she paid for both my kids to take swim lessons, AND my Grandmother sent me money for my birthday that totally covered next year's curriculum and then some. Why was I worrying?


He is good.


Thanks for sharing your story! You are so right. He makes our paths straight when we walk in His will.




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This is why I hope my children learn this lesson early and spare themselves the years of heartache from going in the wrong direction!!!





God is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has done some wonderful things the last few months for us as well, maybe I should post ours sometime! :grouphug:

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