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I know it's been asked before...where else do you spend your time online besides WTM?

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Yarn Harlot


Some Lutheran sites, esp Brothers of John the Steadfast

The Perfect World


But really, this is my main place. I can picture us 20 years from now, reminescing (sp) about the good ol days when the 6th edition of TWTM came out, and talking about our grandchildren graduating from the WTM classical virtual podcast high schools at 13 or something.

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Yarn Harlot


Some Lutheran sites, esp Brothers of John the Steadfast

The Perfect World


But really, this is my main place. I can picture us 20 years from now, reminescing (sp) about the good ol days when the 6th edition of TWTM came out, and talking about our grandchildren graduating from the WTM classical virtual podcast high schools at 13 or something.


:lol: I'll probably still be homeschooling.....aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've been on the WTM board for 8-9 years and I am spending less and less time here. Since I am not a Christian home school parent, I feel marginalized being here, but in some way this is my home, so I keep coming back.


I spend more of my time online writing for online content sites, reading the news, and reading home school blogs by people who do not frequent WTM. I also read my email and frequent other forums such as the Purse Forum, or the very feminist BlogHer site.


Really?? I have never seen anyone marginalized here.

I love this place because there is such a diversity of homeschool parents...single, divorced, never married, Christian, Pagan, Jewish, straight, gay, lesbian....I think there is everybody here...and if anything I have seen the Christain parents get blasted over parenting issues or submission issues on the General board...especially the fundamental or ultra religious...getting creamed or marginalized because of their beliefs....



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A few of my favorites:


My favorite landscape designer Nancy Ondra



For general advice




For local advice




For health


http://www.cancerdecisions.com (Ralph Moss)


As you can see, I like gardening. :)

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No, I dont have time. I spend a couple of minutes on Facebook- thats about it.

Besides, I have tried various other message boards over the years, on various other topics, and none have drawn me in and kept me addicted and coming back anything like these ones.




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I wonder about a lot of things, and research the answers online.


Me, too.


I also go to hulu.com for my favorite shows, Facebook, and a couple of private message boards, one I've belonged to for over 10 years. Oh, and a few yahoo groups. Lately, I've been hovering around Rainbow Resource Center and Oak Meadow's sites.

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-A private board: about 50-60 mommies that have known each other for 6-7 years

-A few blogs, but more on a weekly basis to keep up as I don't care for blogs



-Family/Company Calender (Google Calendar)

-Public Library



-Hulu & Netflix at night for TV shows :)

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Really?? I have never seen anyone marginalized here.

I love this place because there is such a diversity of homeschool parents...single, divorced, never married, Christian, Pagan, Jewish, straight, gay, lesbian....I think there is everybody here...and if anything I have seen the Christain parents get blasted over parenting issues or submission issues on the General board...especially the fundamental or ultra religious...getting creamed or marginalized because of their beliefs....



I am seeing lots of people on both sides marginalized. It's not a good place for me to be right now, because somehow I'm just not thick-skinned enough to watch people slammed for their beliefs, nor to be slammed myself. I'm not saying it should stop, just that I'm not in a place right now where it's healthy for me to participate in that, even just by reading threads that degenerate into scorn towards others. I love how smart everyone here is, and love seeing other perspectives presented, but I'd love it more if I could have that *plus* a bit more civility. I'm looking for a place to split my time, instead of hanging out in just one place (here) waaayyy more than I should. :001_smile:

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Since I started the Oak Meadow social group, I check there more than the general board. There are also 4 or 5 blogs I check regularly, but mainly I spend my time on a fabulously funky board for secular homeschoolers. It is freethinking and "grown up" in the sense that people don't have to tiptoe on eggshells all the time. I can get a hug and a much needed kick in the rear at the same time. I love those ladies (and gents).


Audrey!! Don't be a tease! Where is it !?!




Sounds like a fantastic board ~ can you share the link with us?

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